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Active Tests and Traffic Simulation: Module Objectives

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1 Active Tests and Traffic Simulation: Module Objectives
Use Active Tests on the Internet Advisor. Use the traffic generator to do performance testing. Learn how to edit and playback captured data to the network.

2 Active Tests Active Tests stimulate network nodes and display
responses. The Active Tests available in software revision 11.0 and higher revisions are: (Ctrl+Shift+A) IP PING IP ARP IP RARP IP Trace Route IP Active Network Discovery Novell Network List Novell View Nodes Novell Nearest Server Novell Server List Novell Node PING Novell Server PING Active Tests transmit frames on the network and monitor responses from network nodes. The purpose of each test is listed below: IP PING: Verify that an IP node can be reached and can respond to an ICMP Echo Request packet. IP ARP: Obtain the MAC address associated with a given IP address. IP RARP: Given a MAC address, obtain the IP address associated with it. Not all network devices implement the RARP protocol and so you may get no response to this test. IP Trace Route: Sends an ICMP Echo Request packet to a remote system to find out if the the remote system is reachable. This sequence is followed by successive pings with their TTL adjusted so all routers used to ping the target can be found. IP Active Network Discovery: Finds IP addresses until you stop the measurement or a preset timer expires. This measurement uses information you configure to Ping an entire IP subnet and displays all IP stations on the subnet. Novell Network List: List remote Novell networks connected to the local segment. Novell View Nodes: List all Novell nodes attached to the local segment. Novell Nearest Server: List the nearest Novell Server of a specific type. Novell Server List: List available Novell Servers on the network under test. Novell Node PING: List the Novell nodes that responded to an IPX Diagnostic request packet sent to a particular Novell MAC address. Novell Server PING: List the Novell servers that responded to an IPX SAP General Query packet sent to a Novell server MAC address.

3 IP PING This is the IP address you will PING.
Check this field to enable a default router address to be used to resolve the PING. In the IP PING window, enter the IP source and destination addresses for the PING. The factory default addresses are illegal and will always fail. This is for your protection and to remind you to enter valid source and destination addresses. You can use the menu Setup/Workspace Options to change the default IP source address to a legal address for your network. The source IP must be an unused, valid IP address on your network.

4 Active Tests Workspace Options
Enter an IP address to be used as the source IP for IP Active Tests. You can enter a valid default IP addresses in the Workspace Options window to be used automatically by IP Active Tests and by any IP drill test. A drill test is a PING or ARP that you generate with a right mouse click option when an IP address is selected in Node Discovery or Commentator. The last settings of Workspace Options are automatically saved when you exit the LAN application. You can also enable a default router address and a DNS server address to be used for all IP Active Tests.

5 Transmit Password The default password is: advisor
When you run any active test for the first time after starting the Advisor, you will get a prompt to enter the transmit password. This password is set to advisor at the factory, and it is case-sensitive. You enter the password only once per session. You can change the transmit password in the main Advisor Configuration screen using the Configure Transmit Password button. When you change the password, a file named txpwd.dat is created in the C:\Advisor directory. If you forget what the new password is, just delete the file txpwd.dat to set the password back to advisor.

6 Novell Node PING Use the Novell Node PING test to verify connectivity to a node on a Novell network using an IPX. The Novell PING also returns encapsulation information which can be helpful in troubleshooting network connectivity problems.

7 PING From Other Measurements
With a right mouse click, you can PING selected addresses in Node Discovery and in the Commentator: When you see IP or Novell addresses displayed in the Commentator or Node Discovery measurements, you can select the addresses, then use the right mouse button options to generate an active test on that address.

8 Traffic Generation Press here to create, edit and
select frames for traffic generation. Send Parameters Note - These parameters display different ways to show the same information. When you enter a value for one, the values for the others are re-calculated and displayed. Each parameter indicates whether it was entered or calculated in the corresponding area to the right of each value. Utilization: This is the percentage of available bandwidth which will be actually used. Frames/Second: The Frames/Second text box defines the throughput in terms of frames per second. This throughput value is averaged when the frames in the block are of various lengths. Decreasing the Frames/Second decreases the Utilization. Average Frame Period (msec): Defines the time (in milliseconds) that will be inserted between the beginning of one frame and the beginning of the next frame during transmission. Increasing the delay decreases the Utilization. Interframe Spacing (Bit Times): This is the time, in Bit Times, between the end of one frame and the start of the next frame. Decreasing the spacing increases the Utilization. Iterations: Defines the number of times to generate the selected frame set. You can also select Continuous. Use this section to define the transmission characteristics

9 Traffic Generation: Selecting Frames
Pressing here brings up the Select Frames dialog box The Select Frames dialog is where you create, edit, and setup frames to be transmitted. There are two section lists - Available Frames and Transmit Frames with several buttons between them. You create and/or edit frames in the Available (left) section of the dialog, and then move them to the Transmit (right) section in the order you want to send them. The lists of frames in the Select Frames dialog can be saved as part of a measurement file and then reloaded when you want to use them again. Right Click: You can right click in the Available Frames and Transmit Frames panes to display a menu that gives you the following short cuts for manipulating frames for traffic generation:

10 Traffic Generation: Editing Frames
Pressing here brings up the Select Encapsulation dialog box Enter the frame’s name and length here Creating or editing a frames brings up the Select Frames dialog box. The Edit Frame dialog is where you create and/or edit frames for generating traffic. Frame Name: Enter a descriptive name for the frame. Data Length: The frame length shown is four bytes less than the actual frame size because of the FCS bytes not showing up in the Edit Frames dialog. You can change the frame size from 12 to 2040 bytes. If you set the frame length to be less than 64 octets or greater than 1518, a media error shows up in the detailed area of the frame being edited. Template: Select the Templates button to choose from the available predefined selections.

11 Traffic Generation: Editing Frames
Delete entire lines with this button. Delete Lines: The Delete Lines button deletes an entire line of data at a time. You need to have the entire line highlighted before you can delete a line. You can also use the CTRL or SHIFT keys in combination with the Delete Lines button to delete more than one line at a time. Detailed: The Detailed area of the Edit Frames dialog shows the same information as the detailed view in the Decodes display. Copy from Decode buffer: You can also copy frames from the decode buffer and paste them into the Edit Frame view. To perform this operation, right click in the decode summary view on the desired frame and select the copy function. Right Click Menu: Use the Right Click menu to perform editing functions: Decode is shown in the Detailed view. Modify data in the Hex view.

12 Playback Buffer Dialog Box
Edit and Playback Press the Playback button to bring up the Playback Buffer Dialog Box The Edit and Playback functions in the Decode display let you take existing captured frames, edit them, and then retransmit them on the network. Edit and Playback allows you to: 1) Playback from the capture buffer or a previously saved file. 2) View and edit frames directly in the decode view. 3) Change frame sizes. 4) Add/remove frames from the buffer. 5) Reset different timing options for the entire replay buffer Playback Buffer Dialog Box Frame Set: Choose between replaying the entire contents of the buffer, selecting the range of frames you want to replay, or replaying only previously display filtered frames. Mode: Choose between replaying continuously or from 1 to times. Delay Between Replays: Choose between using the minimum delay or from 1 millisecond to 999 seconds. Timing: Choose from the following timing parameters: Use buffer Timing - this selection uses the same frame spacing as the data captured in the buffer Multiply Interframe Delay by - enter a value from 1 to 1000 for this field. Divide Interframe Delay by - enter a value from 1 to 1000 for this field. Fixed Interframe Delay - choose from .001 to microseconds. (Remember Interframe Delay is measured from the beginning of one frame to the beginning of the next.) % Utilization - enter a value for the desired utilization. The Internet Advisor will transmit the frames with the IFS (Interframe spacing) calculated to achieve the utilization entered. The actual utilization may vary depending on the data being replayed. Start Replay: Select this button to start transmitting the edited frames.

13 Lab 7.1 Hi! Ciao! Traffic Generation and PING.

14 Module 7: Review Active tests allows you to transmit frames on to the network and monitor responses from network nodes. Traffic Generation stresses your network. Edit and Playback simulates real network traffic and allow you to troubleshoot router and switch problems.

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