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Blanco TCS Upgrade PDR 23 Aug 2007

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1 Blanco TCS Upgrade PDR 23 Aug 2007
Introduction Tim Abbott

2 This review This Introduction Encoders & servos – Michael Warner
Panel, Motivation, Goals & Specifications, Staff Encoders & servos – Michael Warner Hardware – Eduardo Mondaca Software – German Schumacher

3 PDR Panel Bob Marshall (NOAO, Tucson) Brooke Gregory (CTIO)
Darren Depoy (OSU) Charge: Is the project as presented capable of achieving its goals with the resources provided and in the time frame available? Please provide written comments and recommendations, separately or as a group.

4 Project Motivation Keep Blanco operating as a state-of-the art facility DECam, imposes some specifications, DES and the community. NEWFIRM, another potentially very efficient observing facility Existing instruments Retire & replace obsolete components The existing system incorporates many obsolete and obsolescent components and technology. Some components are home built with off-the-shelf options now available. The power amplifiers are originals. The mode-switching control model significantly constrains performance and was driven by the limited technology available at the time. Modernize software Modern servo technology, both and sense and drive ends, has advanced significantly since the last upgrade (20 years ago!). Can improve delivered image quality

5 Project Motivation Modernize software Modularize
Interfaces are dated Capabilities are limited by today’s standards Much useful telemetry is dropped on the floor Modularize Existing system is highly centralized Control and servo functions are blended Improve maintainability Maintenance and modification get harder each year LSST prototyping An opportunity to capitalize on SOAR experience and develop essential experience for LSST Consolidated TCS support for 3 major telescopes.

6 Goals Maximize telescope efficiency for DECam/DES/NEWFIRM operations
Replace obsolete & obsolescent components Replace wire-wrap & bread-boarded components with off-the-shelf and PCB components Use technology with an estimated >5 year market life

7 Goals Decouple mount, dome, rotator/guider from TCS
Use SOAR/LSST model & components Set point / Status model Labview, Ethernet, Linux, new PMAC, Wallace kernel, comms middleware (DDS) (In the longer term, plan to retrofit SOAR with Blanco innovations.) (In the even longer term, plan to retrofit SOAR and Blanco with LSST innovations.) Introduce independent local and/or remote intelligence where appropriate

8 Goals Use new encoders Integrate all existing instruments
higher resolution, greater reliability, precision Integrate all existing instruments Mosaic II, SISPI, Hydra, RC Spec, (NEWFIRM) Record and make available all telemetry from telescope to weather The upgrade is to be performed with existing TCS in place

9 Specifications Slew requirement: 2 degrees in 17 sec
To match DECam readout time Slew, project goal: 3 degrees in 20 seconds, track-to-track Tracking: <0.5” drift in 60 sec everywhere within the DES area Jitter: 100 mas r.m.s. Guide error signal delivery rate: 1 Hz Operational deadline: Sept 2010.

10 Telescope drive power amplifiers Encoders (SMCs later) Leave:
Replace: TCS Kernel Communications Dome & utility control GUI Mount Control Telescope drive power amplifiers Encoders (SMCs later) Leave: Telescope motors Guiders Active optics Rotator f/8 control Instruments (SMCs, for the time being)

11 Blanco 4M Upgrade Diagram
Instruments IMAN Instruments Adapter Ethernet PC-Guider Operator GUI DECAM ISPI HYDRA MOSAIC NEWFIRM Motor Controllers (SMC) Remote Ops To Dome PLC 4MAP IMAN ROT4M F8SEC CFADC Dome Interface UDP, TCP/IP Dome Encoders Ethernet/ Serial RS-485 TCS App Kernel Dome/ Utility Comparison Lamps Interfaces Provided By CTIO Lamps Interface Facility Database To Ra/Dec Motors Mount Control HandPaddle Mount Interface To Guider Motors Interlocks Encoders Guider Interface IRIG-B Guider Encoders Time Weather, MASS DIMM, Sky Cam.

12 Project Staff Tim Abbott (Project manager/scientist, DECam deputy project manager) German Schumacher (Software manager) Ricardo Schmidt (Electronics group manager) Eduardo Mondaca (Electronics engineer, interfaces, hardware, servos) Michael Warner (Servos, hardware) Manuel Martinez (Connectivity, motor controllers) Rolo Cantarutti (Software) Omar Estay (Software) Francisco Delgado (Software) Andres Montane & group (Mechanics, fab) CTIO DSS Gale Brehmer (mgr), Enrique Schmidt, David Rojas, Javier Rojas, Humberto Orrego.

13 Software Timeline Control Design Purchases Servo Control
2008 2009 2010 Jul-Sep 07 Oct-Dec 07 Jan-Mar 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jul-Sep 08 Oct-Dec 08 Jan-Mar 09 Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct-Dec 09 Jan-Mar 10 Control Design Purchases Servo Control Mount Software Serial Software SMC Control TCS Application Dome/ Utility FD: Francisco Delgado GS: Germán Schumacher MM: Manuel Martínez MW: Michael Warner OE: Omar Estay RC: Rolando Cantarutti Guider Instruments Interfaces Facility Database Operator GUI Commis. GS 50% MW 50% MW 70% MW 50% OE 75% MM 50% RC 10% RC 70% FD 50% FD 70%

14 Electronics Timeline D&I = Design and Implementation Conceptual Design
2008 2009 2010 Jul-Sep 07 Oct-Dec 07 Jan-Mar 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jul-Sep 08 Oct-Dec 08 Jan-Mar 09 Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct-Dec 09 Jan-Mar 10 Conceptual Design Purchases Mount Interfaces and Power Drivers Encoder Tests Mount Tuning SMC Tests TCS Application Tests Support Dome/Utility Interface D&I DOME Tests Guider Interface D&I Guider Tests Instruments Interfaces D&I Instruments Tests Commis. EM 60% ET 30% ED 30% D&I = Design and Implementation

15 Capital costs

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