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Ms. Davis’ Buzzing News Feb. 19th – 22nd Spelling: Weekly Recap:

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Davis’ Buzzing News Feb. 19th – 22nd Spelling: Weekly Recap:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Davis’ Buzzing News Feb. 19th – 22nd Spelling: Weekly Recap:
Week of: Skills for the Week: Feb. 19th – 22nd Reading: Cause and Effect + Historical Connection Language: Contractions Math: Telling Time Spelling: overdue biplane bicycle tripod unfriendly 8. unsure overflow triangle inactive 10.incomplete Weekly Recap: Thursday, Feb. 21st -Telling Time Test Friday, Feb. 22nd -Spelling Test -Reading Skills Assessment

2 Vocabulary Feb. 19th – Mar.1st
Test Friday, March 1st 1. Ape • A large, strong animal related to monkeys but without a tail. It can stand on 2 feet •To copy the actions or speech of someone 2. Brain •The gray matter made of nerve cells packed inside the skull. It is what we think with. It controls other parts of the body. 3. Branch • A part of a tree that grows out of its main stem • Anything that comes from a main part of something, as a branch comes from a tree 4. Cavern • A large cave 5. Chimney •Something made with an open center to let the smoke from a fire rise and escape outside 6. Dozen • A group of 12 7. Flame •The bright, glowing gas we see when something burns 8. Net • A piece of material made of string or rope knotted together in a way that leaves evenly spaced holes 9. Spear • A long pole with a sharp, pointed blade at one end 10. Torch • A burning stick held in the hand to give light

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