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  What do You See?.

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Presentation on theme: "  What do You See?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do You See?

2 What do You See?

3 What do You See?

4 What do You See?


6 What do You See?

7 What do You See?

8 What do You See? Is the Book Leaning Towards You……… or Away From You??

9 Work with someone else who saw something different than what you did
Work with someone else who saw something different than what you did. See if you can come to an agreement about what the pictures are.

10 What do You See? Old Woman ….. or Young Girl ??

11 What do You See? Man Playing Horn or Woman Sillhouette??

12 What do You See? Woman in Vanity …….. or Skull??


14 What do You See? A Rabbit ……………. or a Duck??

15 What do You See? A Face of a Native American…………….or an Eskimo??

16 What do You See? Is the Book Leaning Towards You……… or Away From You??

17 Why Did We Do This?

18 Why Did We Do This? Trainers Don’t Always Evaluate a Horse in the Same Way.

19 Why Did We Do This? Trainers Don’t Always Evaluate a Horse in the Same Way. Two Totally Different Opinions Can Both Be Correct at the Same Time.

20 Why Did We Do This? Trainers Don’t Always Evaluate a Horse in the Same Way. Two Totally Different Opinions Can Both Be Correct at the Same Time. It is Extremely Important to Take Time to Pause Before Reacting to Something You Totally Disagree With.

21 Why Did We Do This? Trainers Don’t Always Evaluate a Horse in the Same Way. Two Totally Different Opinions Can Both Be Correct at the Same Time. Take Time to Pause Before Reacting to Something You Totally Disagree With. “Seek First to Understand – Then to Be Understood.”

22 Why Did We Do This? Trainers Don’t Always Evaluate a Horse in the Same Way. Two Totally Different Opinions Can Both Be Correct at the Same Time. Take Time to Pause Before Reacting to Something You Totally Disagree With. “Seek First to Understand – Then to Be Understood.” The Way People Work With Horses Often Resembles the Way They Work with People!!!!

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