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Missionary Name Here LOCATION HERE

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2 Missionary Name Here LOCATION HERE
Patrick Coats moved his family to Homestead, Florida with the intention of slowly starting his first church plant. The original plan was to first start a small Bible study. In December 2009, he located a movie theater that allowed him to rent space for the Bible study. When the launch date of New Years Eve arrived… they were so excited when 40 people showed up. What started as a small Bible study just a few years ago is now Kingdom Covenant Baptist Church. God took Patrick’s dream and multiplied it to reach the lost. This church plant is a perfect example of how God uses the Cooperative Program to further His Kingdom. And our church is a part of it by our support through the Cooperative Program. Let’s join in praying that God will continue to use our support to help plant churches, and that God will continue to expand Patrick’s ministry. Missionary Name Here LOCATION HERE

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