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Presentation on theme: "School."— Presentation transcript:

1 school

2 in on under next to in front of behind

3 classroom classroom

4 dining hall

5 lab=laboratory

6 library

7 office

8 gym=gymnasium


10 dining hall classrooms library gymnasium


12 Work in pairs: Talk about your school, use the sentence structure:
A: Where is the library? B: It’s……. A: Is there a dining hall? B: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. A: Are there any school offices? B: Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.

13 Exercises: 1.在办公室前 in front of the office 2.靠近 next
3.在教室后面behind the classroom 4.在教室里 in the classroom 5.在黑板上 on the blackboard

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