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Population, Culture, Economy

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1 Population, Culture, Economy
Chapter 3 Review Population, Culture, Economy

2 Why do people live where they do?
Adequate water supply Mild climate Arable land All of the above

3 Culture is NOT learned Precise Taught Guiding Uniting

4 Which of the following is closest to the population of the United States?
27,000 270,000 2,700,000 27,000,000 270,000,000

5 A country is defined as a unit with a common language.
True False

6 Population Density is The average number of people in a square mile
The number of people in a country The growth of population over time

7 The death rate over time has
increased decreased Stayed the same Become insignificant

8 Immigrants and emigrants do not factor into population growth.
True False

9 Which is not one of the 4 most densely populated regions?
Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia South Asia Europe

10 Material culture includes things like religion and behavior.
True False

11 Which is not a characteristic in a “Mormon” cultural landscape
Grid pattern streets Churches without crosses Seminary buildings Casinos Places named after things in the Book of Mormon

12 Diffusion in geography . . .
Often occurs through the migration of people who take their cultural traits with them Is the process where a cultural element is moved across some distance Is an intermingling of molecules, ions, etc. 1 & 2

13 The restriction of a culture from outside cultural influences is
Cultural divergence Cultural convergence Against the law Democracy

14 In order to define a country, it must:
Have a clearly defined territory Have people living there Have a military Have a government Have sovereignty 1, 2, 4 & 5 1, 2, 3, & 4

15 When one central government runs the nation
Unitary Federal Confederation

16 Some powers are given to the national government and others are for local governments
Unitary Federal Confederation

17 The following are government structures:
Authoritarian, dictatorship, monarchy Federation, unitary, confederation Democracy, totalitarianism

18 Government Authority

19 Types of Authoritarian governments:
Unitary, federation, confederation Dictatorship, totalitarianism, monarchy Market, command, mixed

20 The most extreme form of dictatorship:
Totalitarianism Dictatorship Monarchy Mrs. Ashment

21 A government where people choose their leaders and policies
democracy capitalism federation

22 The United States is a Federal government structure
Democratic government authority Capitalistic economy All of the above


24 Capitalists Believe that wealth should be distributed more equally
Can choose what will be produced, how much will be produced, and the prices of the goods Make decisions based on authoritarian control

25 An economic system where the government owns some industries and private companies own others
Socialism Capitalism Mixed economy 1&3

26 A market economy is… communist capitalist socialist

27 A market (capitalist) economy is found in
The United States Russia China None of the above

28 You feel more than ready for this test.
True False

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