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Welcome! Baltimore Polytechnic Institute November 22, 2010

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1 Welcome! Baltimore Polytechnic Institute November 22, 2010
U.S. History Mr. Green

2 Agenda/Topics To Be Covered
The students will review content by participating in a class discussion Announcement: Benchmark A tomorrow. This is a requirement from Central Office. You are required to take this assessment.

3 Review Freedman’s Bureau 13th, 14th, 15th amendment Tenant farming Industrialization consequence Progressive Era Plessy v. Ferguson Civil Service Reform Imperialism Senate election reform Immigration Economic questions what to produce how to produce whom to produce Sherman Anti-Trust Act

4 Cont’d Muckrakers Voter initiatives-purpose? Harlem Renaissance. Homestead Act Sound Money Election of Points-self determination Xenophobia Carpetbaggers

5 Tariffs 1884-Grover Cleveland Attempted to lower tariffs but was defeated 1888-Cleveland lost to Benjamin Harrison Tariffs raised to highest levels 1892-Cleveland again Tariffs lowered without his signature

6 Independent Work Leader Position Stand Rutherford B. Hayes
Roscoe Conkling Chester A. Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison

7 Page 290 List at least three advantages and three disadvantages of political machines Advantages Disadvantages 1. 2. 3.

8 Exit Ticket Explain the role of government in reforming the patronage system and its impact on political contributions.

9 Homework Read Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Study Guide
Prepare for Chapter 7 test on Friday.

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