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Intro to Year 11 English Semester 1, 2014.

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1 Intro to Year 11 English Semester 1, 2014

2 Classroom Expectations
Come to class with all writing equipment and class texts. If you do not do so, you will be asked to go and get the correct books and you will be recorded as being late to class. Be on time to class. Once the door is closed, you are late. Wait outside until such time as your teacher is able to let you into the classroom. College procedure regarding accumulation of lates will apply.

3 Year 11 Australian Curriculum
This year we will begin Australian Curriculum English. There are 3 levels of English: Essential English English Literature

4 English and Literature are classified as T subjects by the BSSS
English and Literature are classified as T subjects by the BSSS. Essential English is classified as an A subject by BSSS.

5 English T students will do 4 units of either English or Literature, or a combination of English and Literature. Double Major students will do both English and Literature ie 4 units of each. English A students will do 4 units of Essential English.

6 Essential English units
Unit 1 - Semester 1 Year 11 – Comprehending and responding Unit 2 - Semester 2 Year 11 – Making Connections Unit 3 - Semester 1 Year 12 – Understanding Perspectives Unit 4 - Semester 2, Year 12 – Local and Global

7 English units Unit 1 - Semester 1 Year 11 – Communication of Meaning
Unit 2 - Semester 2 Year 11 – Representation through Texts Unit 3 - Semester 1 Year 12 – Comparative Texts Unit 4 - Semester 2 Year 12 - Perspectives

8 Literature Unit 1 - Semester 1 Year 11 – Ways of Reading and Creating
Unit 2 - Semester 2 Year 11 – Intertextuality Unit 3 - Semester 1 Year 12 – Power of Literature Unit 4 - Semester 2 Year 12 – Literary Interpretations

9 Structure of course All units must be worked through sequentially ie 1,2,3,4. 4 units of Essential English – Accredited major in English 4 units of English and / or Literature – Tertiary major in English (units of English and Literature may be mixed eg. Semester 1 – English Semester 2 – Literature Semester 3 – Literature Semester 4 – English This would constitute an English T major).

10 MCC Class structure This year, Essential English and English will be run together. The classes will do the same texts. Some learning activities will differ. Assessment will differ slightly.

11 Texts This semester: Lord of the Flies and Macbeth.
You must read the texts to succeed in this unit. Audio versions of the texts may be available at the library or on the internet.

12 Extra reading You should endeavour to read as much about the texts as you can to supplement what you learn in class. For English students, essays where you merely regurgitate class notes will not be assessed favorably. Essential English students need to have a good understanding of the plot, characters, setting and themes of the texts. A good place to start is Itunes library has some podcasts on the texts.

13 A good place to start: A good place to start is
MCC Library – Blooms Literature Online Itunes library has some podcasts on the texts. Note: You should be investigating further afield that Sparknotes. It provides a basic comprehension and analysis.

14 Assesment English Framework: Assessment needs to be focussed on:
Responding – analytical responses – 40-60% Creating – imaginative, entertaining, persuasive, interpretative or informative texts – 20-30% Investigating – reports, interviews, oral presentations, independent research, writing for publication – 20-30%

15 Assessment Each of the categories of Responding, Creating, Investigating must be covered by assessment each semester BUT it is not necessary to do an oral each semester. In Semester 1, English students will do an oral presentation; Essential English students will not.

16 Time frame Year 11 assessment will be issued in the first cycle of the semester along with the unit outline. Assessment and unit outline will also be on It is up to you to organize your time and study programme to submit assessment on time.

17 Time in class on assignments
As all assessment is being issued at the beginning of the semester you should not count on time in class or in computer labs during class time. You will be specifically taught details relevant to each assessment task. Again, it will be your responsibility to take notes relevant to each task and to the text in general.

18 Drafts It is highly recommended that you submit a draft for all assessment tasks. The English Department Drafting Policy is in the blue booklet and on your unit outline.

19 Assessment All oral presentations will be recorded by your teacher for moderation purposes. All assessment completed at home will need to be submitted with a print-out of the Turn-it-in report for plagiarism.

20 Late submission of assessment
5% penalty per day including weekends and public holidays Over 7 days late – notional zero. A notional zero will be between 0 and the lowest mark in the class. It can be 0. Notional zero can only be calculated when all work for the semester has been submitted.

21 Assignment extensions
If you have a good reason for an extension you can apply to the Studies Office. It must be applied for prior to the due date of assignment. The Studies Office will issue an extension form which you will need to complete and get signed by your classroom English teacher. The Studies Office will make final decision on extension taking into consideration advice of classroom teacher.

22 Marking of assignments
You will be marked using 2 rubrics – the Australian Curriculum rubric and the current BSSS rubric. The Australian Curriculum rubric and mark will be used for the Board of Secondary School Studies to validate the current achievement standards. The mark on the BSSS rubric will be the mark you are awarded for the task.

23 Return of assignments When your assignments are returned to you, you will be asked to complete an evaluation form regarding your assignment, your mark and teacher feedback. The aim of this is to encourage you to consider how you could improve your work.

24 Oral presentations As well as being marked by your classroom teacher for your oral presentation, you will also be peer marked. Two students will peer mark each presentation. The aim of this is not only to help you prepare your own oral presentation but to ask you to critically examine the practice of public speaking.

25 Plagiarism BSSS mandates that plagiarism will be heavily penalized.
MCC penalty in Years is mark of zero, contact parents, Friday detention and resubmit work (still for a mark of zero).

26 Plagiarism cont. Any work that is not your own must be referenced correctly as per College Diary. You will be doing extensive work on plagiarism and referencing in your study workshops. Images must also be referenced. Please do not come to me after you have plagiarised something and say that it was a mistake, you forgot, or that it is your own work.

27 Plagiarism cont. Direct quotes Paraphrasing Images
Same work as another student. In this case, all students involved will receive a mark of 0. A record is kept of all plagiarism. If it occurs on more than one occasion in any subject or combination of subjects, you may be required to justify your enrolment at Marist College.

28 Moderation - Internal All tasks are moderated internally by the English department. Your work will be marked by your classroom teacher. A sample of the work will then be marked by another English teacher. If there are discrepancies with any of the marking, the HoD or Assistant HoD will also moderate the work.

29 Moderation – Internal cont.
Any marks of 35 or less will be passed to the HoD for moderation. Any marks of 90 or above will be passed to the HoD for moderation. English cut-offs: A – B – 70 – 84 C – D – E – 34 and below

30 Moderation - External Year 11 Semester 2 work will be moderated externally by ACT teachers in March. Year 12 Semester 1 work will be moderated by ACT teachers in August. Your English teachers will keep all marked work until the end Year 12 for moderation purposes.

31 Appeal of mark You have the right to appeal a mark.
The appeal must be based on the achievement standards for your subject. It is not enough to say you don’t think you were marked fairly. You must be able to demonstrate on both the assessment task and the rubric, using the relevant achievement standards, how your work differs to the mark you were given.

32 All initial queries, questions must first go to your classroom teacher
All initial queries, questions must first go to your classroom teacher. Please make a time to sit down and discuss any issues with your teacher. A few seconds at the end of beginning of class is not enough time to fully explain any problems or issues which may arise in a class.

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