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Immune system and Immunity

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1 Immune system and Immunity
A short course

2 Immunity Definition ; It is a homeostatic condition in which the body maintains protection against infection and tumor growth. It is a series of delicately balanced complex, multi-cellular and physiological mechanisms that allow an individual to distinguish foreign material from ‘self ’ and to neutralize and /or eliminate the foreign matter ‘non-self ’.

3 Structure of the immune system


5 Lymph node

6 Distribution of the lymph nodes

7 The spleen

8 The thymus gland






14 Phagocytosis Macrophages APC Bifunctional Antigen presentation Liver Skin Spleen,lung CNS Kuppfer cells Denteritic cells Microglia Macrophages

15 Functions of the immune system
*Types of immunity -Natural or innate immunity -Acquired or adaptive immunity

16 Innate immunity First response Non-specific Natural components
Soluble factors Immune cells (phagocytes) Barriers Secretions Membranes Complement Acute phase protein

17 Acute phase proteins Upon infection Macrophages (Kuppffer cells)
activated Bind to bacteria to Facilitate complement fixation Secrete different cytokines Go systemically Still high through the The course of infection fever Acute phase response Serum amyloid A&B + C-reactive protein

18 2) Complement Facilitate phagocytosis It is a group of serum proteins
(about 30) can bind to bacteria Coating of bacteria (Opsonization) Complement receptors can interact with phagocytes Facilitate phagocytosis

19 Antigen presentation Antigen presenting cells (APC) are those can introduce the antigens to the T-cells. APC are B-cells , macrophages and denteritic cells. Foreign antigens are handled by APC cells through phagocytosis and where they are fragmented . Then, they are interacted with MHC-class II to form a complex that is able to be recognized by the T-helper cells.

20 Foreign antigen CD4+ Macrophage Interact with T-helper cells
Early endosome Processing compartment Peptide binds class-II MHC-class II Transport vesicle Macrophage

21 Immune response T-cell activation Th1 CD4+ CD8+ Th2 Cytokines
APC + T-cell interaction Activate APC (macrophages) TNFά Auto-activation IL2 Recognize MHC-class II In extracellular antigen e.g bacteria Th1 CD4+ CD8+ Th2 Activate macrophages Activate B-cells Antigen elimination Recognize MHC-class I In intracellular antigen e.g virus, cancer cells Produce antibodies Plasma cells

22 Thymic education Thymus CD8+ CD4+ CD8+ CD4+ CD8+ B-cell
Negative selection Thymus Pre-T-cell CD4+ CD8+ CD8-CD4- CD8- CD4+ CD4- CD8+ Begin TCR gene rearrangement Positive selection Stem cell in bone marrow Lymphoid cell In the bone Marrow equivalent to what in the thymus Begin Ig gene rearrangement CD4+ CD8+ B-cell Can recognize MHC-class-I Plasma cells (Ab) Can recognize MHC-class-II


24 Assessment of the integrity of the immune system
General assessments: Blood analysis Histopathology of the thymus and the spleen or other lymph nodes Relative organ weigh e.g relative spleen,thymus weights Bone marrow function Lymphocytes subsets PFC plaque forming cell assay Apoptosis in immune cells Lymphocyte proliferation assay Host-resistant assay HDR (Delayed hypersensitivity assay

25 Lymphocyte subset assay by flowcytometric analysis
Rationale : specific antibodies are performed against different cellular receptors then added to the target cells . These antibodies (primary) will characterize the target cell then interact with secondary ones that is conjugated with FITC the allowed to pass Through very small orifice as one cell at the time. This cell pass through laser beam and undergo florescence then their number is detected by specific detector.

26 Lymphocyte proliferation assay;
Rationale: Lymphocytes are stimulated for proliferation by specific lectins LPS for b-cells , Con-A and PHA are specific for T-cells. Cells grow in culture media in presence of Tritiated thymidine then it will be incorporated in the de novo DNA synthesis and it is equivalent to the cell proliferation. Host-resistant assay Rationale: killer agent such as bacteria , virus, or cancer cells Are injected to experimental animals e.g mice the the death rate is recorded .Then another group of animals are exposed to the agent or condition that needed to be examined on the immune System then injected with the same dose of the killer agent and the death rate recalculated.

27 PFC assay; Rationale: A group of mice challenged with SRBCs then sacrificed and the spleens are collected after few days. Then they are incubated in presence of complement and SRBCs in vitro. The challenged Splenocytes will contain the cells that are able to form the antibodies against SRBCs and destroy it to form plaques that could be counted under light microscope. Another group of animals are exposed the agent under test and then repeat the previous experiment. Number of plaques will reflect the effect on the humoral immunity as will as the ability of the T-cell, macrophages and B-cells to integrate to form the proper immune response.


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