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Deconstructing News Features

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1 Deconstructing News Features

2 Good editors know more than where to put the commas and how to fix AP style errors. That’s “fixing the trees.” also know how to see — and help the writer fix — the “forest.” How well does it read?

3 To fix ‘the forest’.... This means looking at the Big Picture:
How does the lead work? Does it grab your attention but avoid reporter opinion? Is there a nut graf*? Does it sum up the article? What kinds of sources does the reporter use? Are experts included, not just those with opinions? How are they quoted? Only a sentence or two at a time? Saying something no one else could say? What about the ending? Does it feel finished without editorializing? To gain that knowledge, it’s good to deconstruct a story and analyze how it’s put together. *Nut graf is like a summary lead but after any kind of soft, attention-getting lead like an anecdote or description.

4 Now it’s your turn.... With the highlighters and pens provided, find/assess the following: Mark the lead: Does it grab your attention but avoid reporter opinion? Mark the nut graf: Does it sum up the article? Highlight sources in orange: Does the reporter include experts? Others who are affected by the situation? Highlight quotes in yellow: Only a sentence or two at a time? Saying something no one else could say? Highlight transitional words or phrases in blue: Do they move the story along and show how one part relates to the next? Is it a similar example? Or does it indicate an entirely new section?? Mark the ending: Does it feel finished without editorializing?

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