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Habits of High Performing Teachers

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1 Habits of High Performing Teachers
Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir Vice Chancellor, Green University

2 Focus of the presentation
At the end of the session, the learners will be able to Define the concepts of habits. Explain 7 habits of high performing teacher. Gain tools and techniques in applying 7 habits for ensuring high performance in their teaching carrier.

3 Habits defined Habits are the intersection of knowledge, skills and desire. Knowledge= what to do and why Skills = how to do Desire = the driving force for doing something. In order to make something a habit in our lives, we have to have all three

4 Effective Habits Knowledge Habits Desire Skills Knowledge
Internalized Principles and Patterns of Behavior

5 The 7 Habits The 7 habits are based on universal, timeless, and self-evident principles that are just as true in the world of human relations as the law of gravity in the physical world. These principles ultimately govern in all of life. They have been part of successful individuals, families, organizations, and civilizations throughout time.

6 Effectiveness Seven habits are habits of Effectiveness.
They are based on principles. They bring long-term beneficial results. They become the basis of person’s character

7 Performance Performance = Productivity/Productive Capacity Pf= P/PC
Habits are responsible for promoting productive capacity Effectiveness lies in the balance of P/PC

8 The Maturity Continuum
You: You take care of me I: I can do it We: we can do it Dependence Independence Interdependence Private Victory Public Victory Habits: 1,2,3 Habits: 4.5.6

9 The 1st Habit is- Be proactive Principles of Personal Vision

10 Proactively defined Proactively means more than taking initiatives.
It means that as human beings, we are responsible for our lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen. The word “responsibility” – response- ability – the ability to choose our response.

11 Freedom to Stimulus Response Choose Proactive Model Self Awareness
Independent Will Imagination Conscience Proactive Model

12 Languages of Proactive and Reactive person
Let us look at other alternative I can choose a different approach I control my own feelings I can create an effective presentation I will choose an appropriate response I choose I prefer I will Reactive There is nothing I can do That’s just the way I am This makes me so mad They won’t allow that I have to do that I can’t I must If only

13 Who is responsible for our lives?
We are responsible for our lives. We need to decide what we should do and get on with it. We should blame others or the circumstances. This shifting mindset does not help us.

14 Proactive Focus Circle of Influence Circle of Concern
Positive Energy Enlarges the Circle of Influence

15 Reactive Focus Negative Energy reduces the Circle of Influence
Circle of Concern Circle of Influence Negative Energy reduces the Circle of Influence

16 The 2nd Habit is- Begin with the end in mind
Principles of Personal Leadership

17 Becoming Your Own First Creator
Begin with end in mind is based on the principle that all things are created twice. Mental – first creation Physical – second creation

18 Personal Mission Statement
Begin with end in mind demands to have a personal mission statement or philosophy. It focuses on what you we want to be and to do and on the values upon which being and doing are based.

19 An example of a personal mission statement
Succeed at home first. Seek and merit divine help. Never compromise with honesty. Remember the people involved. Hear both sides before judging. Obtain counsel of others. Defend those who are absent. Be sincere yet decisive. Develop on new proficiency a year. Plan tomorrow’s work today. Hustle while you wait. Maintain a positive attitude. Keep a sense of humor. Be orderly in person and in work. Do not fear in mistakes –fear only the absence of creative, constructive, and corrective response to those mistakes. Facilitate the success of subordinates Listen twice as much as you speak. Concentrate all abilities and efforts on the task at hand, not worrying about the next job or promotion. Written by Rolfe Kerr, in Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, p. 106

20 Security Center Guidelines Wisdom Power Forces of a noble Personality

21 Foundation of Personal Development
Money Family Work Spouse Possessions Principles Pleasure Self Friend Enemy Religion Foundation of Personal Development

22 How do you want to be remembered?
Think of how you want to be remembered: By your colleagues in your organizations that you served. By your relatives when you will be no more alive. By your friends when you are not with them. By you at the time of your death. Use these as basis of for your behavior.

23 The 3rd Habit is- Put first things first
Principles of Personal Management

24 Urgent Not Urgent II I Important Important but not urgent Urgent and Important IV Not urgent and not Important III Not Important Urgent but not important

25 II I III IV 20-25% 65-80% 15% Less than 1%
Urgent Not Urgent 20-25% 65-80% II I Important Important but not urgent Urgent and Important 15% 25-30% 15% Less than 1% III IV Not urgent and not Important Not Important Urgent but not important 50-60% 2-3% Red represents high-performing organizations Black represents the typical organizations Source: 1994 Covey Leadership Center

26 How do you priorities your time?
Devote more time to what’s important but not necessarily urgent. Keep in mind that you are not managing time, you are managing your life. We have only one life.

27 Private Victory

28 The Interdependent Paradigm

29 The Interdependent Paradigm
Quality of life is interdependent. It is a 360 degree totally integrated view of interdependent paradigm. But at the center is the personal dimension. Effective interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence.

30 Personal Interpersonal Managerial Organizational

31 The Whole Person Paradigm
Mind To Learn Spirit To leave a Legacy Heart Body To Love To live The Whole Person Paradigm

32 Four Endowments in interdependence
Self –awareness Conscience Independent will Creative Imagination

33 Paradigms of Interdependence: Creating an Emotional Bank Account – Six Major deposits
Understanding the individual Attending to the little things Keeping commitments Clarifying expectations Showing personal integrity Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal

34 The 4th Habit is- Think Win-Win Principles of Interpersonal Leadership

35 Six Paradigms of Human Intervention
Win/Win Win/Lose Lose/Win Lose/Lose Win Win/Win or No deal

36 Win-Win Win/Win - People can seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Principle-based behavior.

37 Win-Lose Win/Lose - The competitive paradigm: if I win, you lose.
The leadership style is authoritarian. In relationships, if both people aren't winning, both are losing

38 Lose- Win Lose/Win - The "Doormat" paradigm. The individual seeks strength from popularity based on acceptance. The leadership style is permissiveness. Living this paradigm can result in psychosomatic illness from repressed resentment

39 Lose-Lose Lose/Lose - When people become obsessed with making the other person lose, even at their own expense. This is the philosophy of adversarial conflict, war, or of highly dependent persons. (If nobody wins, being a loser isn't so bad.)

40 Win Win - Focusing solely on getting what one wants, regardless of the needs of others.

41 Win/Win or No Deal Win/Win or No Deal - If we can't find a mutually beneficial solution, we agree to disagree agreeably - no deal. This approach is most realistic at the beginning of a business relationship or enterprise. In a continuing relationship, it's no longer an option.

42 High Win/Win Lose/Win Consideration Lose/Lose Win/Lose Low Courage Low High

43 Are you ready to work with others?
Have an abundance mentality; seek solutions that benefit all parties.

44 The 5th Habit is- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Principles of Emphatic Communication

45 Where does understanding begin?
Demanding to be understood is a way of saying, "You open your mind for me.“ Wanting to understand the other person is a way of saying, "I'll open my mind for you." The two are so different in tone and meaning that it's hard to do both at the same time.

46 Where does understanding begin?
We generally focus on one or the other. Most people want only to be understood. At the root of personality conflicts is the feeling that "he or she doesn't understand me."

47 Quote from Covey The single most important principle in the field of interpersonal relations is this: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Most people listen, not with the intent to understand, but with the intent to reply. Steven R. Covey (p. 28)

48 Keys to Communication To understand another person, we must be willing to be influenced. When we are open, we give people room to release their fixed positions and consider alternatives. Seeking first to understand, we gain influence in the relationship. Seeking first to understand leads people to discover the third alternative

49 Some key Elements Character and Communication Empathic Listening
Diagnosing before prescribing Understanding and Perception Seek to be understood

50 Are you ready to understand others and allowing others to understand you?
Don’t dire into a conversation. Listen until you truly understand the other person. Allow others to understand you.

51 The 6th habit is- Synergize Principles of Creative Cooperation

52 Synergy? Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. One plus one equals three or more.

53 Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership
. It catalyzes, unifies and unleashes the greatest powers within people. All the other habits prepare you to create synergy. When we truly value, respect and engage our differences, we are prepared to reach for entirely new ideas and breakthrough results.

54 Synergy: Valuing differences?
Valuing differences is the essence of synergy: the mental, the emotional, the psychological differences between people. Find ways to cooperate with everyone. Value the difference between people.

55 Synergistic Communication
When we communicate synergistically, we are simply opening our mind and heart and expressions to new possibilities, new alternatives and new options.

56 Synergy in the classroom?
How can we create synergy in the classroom?

57 Trust High Synergistic ( Win/Win) Respectful (Compromise)
Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Win Low Low High Cooperation

58 This is the position of Public Victory

59 The 7th Habits is- Sharpen the saw Principles of Balanced Self-renewal

60 Four dimension of motivations
Sound motivation and organization theory embrace four dimensions of motivations- The economic ( Physical) The Social: How people are treated The Mental: How people are developed and used The spiritual: How the services are rendered

61 Sharpen the Saw? Sharpen the saw basically means using all four motivations.

62 We have four saw- 1. Body 2. Mind 3. Heart and 4. Spirit

63 Four Dimensions of Renewal Physical
Exercise, Nutrition, Stress Management Mental Reading, Interacting Planning, Writing Hear/Social/Emotional Service, Empathy, Synergy, Intrinsic security Spiritual Value clarification, commitment Mediation, serving others

64 A whole person Mind Spirit Body Heart

65 Are you ready/willing to sharpen your saws?
What do you do for keeping your body fit? What do you do for improving your knowledge base? What do you do for feeling your heart? What do you do for strengthening your spiritual power?

66 Thanks Source: Covey R. Stephen (1989), The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People

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