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DRUM ANYWHERE ECE 492 Group 4 Jake Davidson - Justin Ferris - Kelvin Liang - Shivansh Singla.

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Presentation on theme: "DRUM ANYWHERE ECE 492 Group 4 Jake Davidson - Justin Ferris - Kelvin Liang - Shivansh Singla."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRUM ANYWHERE ECE 492 Group 4 Jake Davidson - Justin Ferris - Kelvin Liang - Shivansh Singla

2 The Virtual Drum Kit Allows people to enjoy the drumming experience without the cost and inconvenience of an actual drum kit.

3 Our Setup Upper Row Lower Row Foot Pedal

4 FUN Why Virtual Drums? Out of our comfort zone Interesting Low cost

5 How Did We Achieve This? IMU Interface Spacial Recognition
4 Major Components: IMU Interface Spacial Recognition SD Card Interface Synthesizer

6 MPU-9250 3 Axis’s for Accelerometer 3 Axis’s for Gyroscope
3 Axis’s for Magnetometer Cost: $14.95 USD

7 Spacial Recognition Transition between drums (left/right)
Transition between rows (up/down) Y Z ∆g Y-axis ∆g Z-axis X -X +X

8 Spacial Recognition Visual representation of the y-axis gyroscope sensor Transition Down DEAD ZONE ∆g Y-axis Transition Up Samples

9 This is the result…

10 Questions?

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