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CMS Math 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS Math 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS Math

2 Introduction
CMS implementing the Common Core State Standards in all grades and levels of math.

3 Carnegie Learning’s materials encourage active engagement and deep understanding of mathematics.
Carnegie Learning Math Series is the vehicle CMS will use to implement the Common Core State Standards.

4 Classroom Learning Environment
Collaborative learning classroom environment: individual work, small groups, class discussions Students discuss ideas and predictions to different problem situations, present calculations and solutions to questions, and analyze, critique, or support classmates’ answers to problem situations. EFFORT in class matters more than ever! Learning will come from their involvement with the questions/problems/activities from the text and through the discussions we have in class. Students learn from interacting with math and conversations with others Lots of reading and real life situations Not as much “traditional homework”

5 Materials 4 individual soft-covered books: 2 which are the text, divided into two volumes, and then a Skills Practice Workbook and Assignments Workbook We are placing the student text in a 3-ring binder. We are tearing out all relevant supplemental pages at the beginning of each chapter and organizing them into the binder. All pages can be written on and kept by the student! Access to all pages online. Handout for online access going home with students beginning of school

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