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Bell Ringer Tuesday August 9, 2016

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1 Bell Ringer Tuesday August 9, 2016
Just as we practiced yesterday, write what stands out to you, 3 key details to describe this classroom and a caption for this photo.

2 Learning Target and EQ ELAGSE9-10RI1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ELAGSE9-10RI2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; I can Identify details to support an analysis of a text EQ: What does it mean to closely read a text?

3 Opening Copy the following word in your notebook (Words to Know section): Paraphrase – a restatement of a text or passage, giving the meaning in another form; rewording Helen Keller Background Info. Introduction of “The Story of My Life”

4 Work Period I do: Read passage all the way through
2nd read: Vocabulary, review with partner Check for understanding 3rd Read: Close Reading and Annotation (Language – imagery) Summary Paraphrase

5 Closing Common Formative Assessment (CFA) Ticket out the Door
Paraphrase last paragraph of “The Story of My Life” Ticket out the Door Rate your understanding of summarizing and paraphrasing 1 – I got it – I can do it and I can teach it 2 – Almost got it – need a little more practice 3 – Nope – have no clue! Need a lot of help and practice

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