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Rockin’ Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Rockin’ Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rockin’ Jeopardy

2 Sedimentary Igneous Metamorphic Rock Cycle 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 The five steps of sedimentary
What are weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation? The five steps of sedimentary rock formation. Row 1, Col 1

4 Igneous rocks are formed by…
What is melting of rock into magma and cooling of rock until it is solid? Igneous rocks are formed by… 1,2

5 Metamorphic rock forms by this.
What is heat and pressure over time? Metamorphic rock forms by this. 1,3

6 Formed by liquid magma inside the earth, also known as
What is molten rock? Formed by liquid magma inside the earth, also known as 1,4

7 Layers in sedimentary rock
What are strata? Layers in sedimentary rock 2,1

8 What is fine-grained? The type of crystals in extrusive rock. 2,2

9 metamorphic rock, which causes
What is folding? Warping and bending of metamorphic rock, which causes mountain building 2,3

10 Two forces which would be
What are heat and pressure? Two forces which would be found at A A 2,4

11 Sedimentary rock that contains rock pieces held together
What is clastic? Sedimentary rock that contains rock pieces held together by minerals. 3,1

12 cools slowly with coarse
What is intrusive ? Igneous rock that cools slowly with coarse grained crystals. 3,2

13 The name of a metamorphic rock formed from Granite
What is Gneiss? The name of a metamorphic rock formed from Granite 3,3

14 When scientists are looking at the size
What is texture? When scientists are looking at the size and arrangement of grains in a rock, thisis what they are looking at 3,4

15 animal and plant remains.
What are organic sedimentary rocks? Sedimentary rocks formed from animal and plant remains. 4,1

16 rock formed when lava cools quickly and produces air holes
What is Scoria? Name of the igneous rock formed when lava cools quickly and produces air holes 4,2

17 What is foliated metamorphic rock?
rock with minerals lined up in layers. 4,3

18 The type of rock texture formed when air is trapped in it.
What is vesicular? The type of rock texture formed when air is trapped in it. 4,4

19 rocks formed from solutions of minerals in water that
What are chemical sedimentary rocks? Type of sedimentary rocks formed from solutions of minerals in water that grow crystals. 5,1

20 Light colored igneous rock likely containing feldspar or
What is felsic? Light colored igneous rock likely containing feldspar or other less dense minerals. 5,2

21 General class of metamorphic rock where the minerals
What is non-foliated? General class of metamorphic rock where the minerals are not aligned in layers. 5,3

22 Sandstone after metamorphosis.
What is quartzite? Sandstone after metamorphosis. 5,4

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