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Enhancement of Learning Support

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1 Enhancement of Learning Support

2 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region About Us The Principal and Deputy Principal from an Independent Specialist Provider. A specialist support consultant. Two managers from a large general FE college; one from Additional Learning Support and one from the discrete provision for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities.

3 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region Topic & Rationale Ensuring effective management and delivery of learning support across an organisation can make a significant contribution to developing a ‘whole organisation’ culture whose values and ethos promotes inclusion at all levels. It has implications for the role and status of LSAs within organisations. Brief was to research and review training and CPD for managers of LSAs through exploring models of practice and experience through two separate regional events that included 30 diverse organisations within the Eastern Region.

4 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region Methodology Predominantly practice based, and adopting an action research approach aimed at involving practitioners from the sector directly in identifying their own solutions. The aim was to produce resources and materials which will support the sector in the process of continuous improvement. The methodology ensured the direct involvement of practitioners in the development of strategies designed to support them in their work and successfully bring about a desired change.

5 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region The Aim To develop a sustainable community of practice that will support continuous improvement of learning through successful management of change within the region. This will ensure that the resulting outcomes have practical application and will therefore support "buy in" from stakeholders that may mirrored in other regions. 5

6 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region Action Plan Delegates were asked to identify challenges within learning support and develop possible solutions or relay their previous successes and how they had happened. The focus was on the underpinning process that had wrought the desired change, the obstacles and how they might be overcome and the support required.

7 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region Key messages Wealth of good practice available for sharing. A willingness to exchange experiences and ideas in terms of bringing about successful changes. A desire for opportunities to network successfully and continue beyond the duration of the project. An acceptance of the diversity of organisations contribution. Common ground in terms of challenges faced. Value of mutual support Recognition and identification of expertise within the area and desire to share and learn.

8 Enhancement of Learning Support
Eastern Region Outcomes A report outlining some tested approaches to developing a whole organisation, inclusive approach to the management of learning support Case studies from participants which highlight good practice in the region A sustainable network of learning support practitioners within the region to enable sharing of materials, resources and ideas 8

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