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DJJ Units of Instruction

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1 DJJ Units of Instruction
Revised, Renewed, Refreshed! The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice Department of Education Summer Workshops June 9th & 10th 2011

2 WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION Insert picture of teacher using WGI
Results of teacher and student surveys Insert picture of teacher using WGI Approximately 138 teachers responded Approximately 837 students responded

3 Goal 100% by January 2012

4 Goal 100% by January 2012

5 Goal 100% by January 2012

6 Goal 100% by January 2012

7 Goal 85% WGI plus CAP work by January 2012
We learned that 50% of teachers felt that a combination of WGI and CAP work was the best approach to instruction for students. Goal 85% WGI plus CAP work by January 2012

8 Students preferred WGI plus CAP work
Goal 85% WGI plus CAP work by January 2012

9 but only 3% over CAP work only.

10 Goal 80% by January 2012

11 Goal 90% by January 2012

12 39% of teachers and 42% of students responded that WGI was helpful.
Goal 85% by January 2012 Goal 85% by January 2012

13 Goal 85% by January 2012 Goal 85% by January 2012
39% of teachers and 29% of students responded that WGI was interesting. Goal 85% by January 2012 Goal 85% by January 2012

14 61% of the students participate in WGI at least 3-4 times per week
Goal 90% by January 2012 61% of the students participate in WGI at least 3-4 times per week

15 57% of the students participate in WGI at least 3-4 times per week
Goal 90% by January 2012 57% of the students participate in WGI at least 3-4 times per week

16 You Spoke and We Listened ! Revised DJJ Units of Instruction
Because the UOIs are living documents we as a community of teachers and learners have the ability to review, revise, and refresh our UOIs as needed. Therefore, as a result of the surveys and roundtable discussions at the various content area consortiums the following 11 changes have been made to the UOIs to meet the needs of teachers and students. 1- Page numbers have been added to the TOC this will allow teachers to better navigate through the UOI. Rather than scrolling back and forth when looking for specific task teachers will now be able to go to the TOC find the task and scroll to the corresponding page number. 2- Task are numbered consecutively. There is know longer 10 task 1s. Therefore a teacher no longer has to remember which unit task 3 they re working on because there is only one task 3. This is for clarity when completing the direct instruction lesson plan. 3-Cover pages allows the document to flow and provides more organization- Teachers no longer heave to return to the TOC to check for the unit number 4-Changed to suggested Instructional Rotation Matrix- This matrix should mirror your class- TAKE IT AND MAKE IT YOUR OWN******* 5- FA and SA CAPs- Assessment piece 6-Unit numbers have been added this will allow for easy reference point 7-Questioning techniques pulled out to reduce redundancy 8-The title Teacher’s Place has been removed because the teachers pointed out that the Teacher’s Place restated what was already on the Direct Instruction Plan. Therefore, this section has been titled exactly what it is the knowledge that students will need in order to complete the task. 9- The GPS are now aligned to each task. Teachers no longer have to search for the GPS this will allow for easier lesson planning because teachers no longer have to spend a lot of time flipping back and forth to match GPS to task. 10- The essential questions aligned to each task. 11-Focus CAPs now follow each UOI again less time consuming no need to go print CAPs from the intranet

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