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Presentation on theme: "WHAT NEXT FOR GLOBAL BANKING? THE CHALLENGE OF COMPLEXITY"— Presentation transcript:

MAY 21, 2015 Alan McIntyre Partner

2 Global banking returns have stalled at utility levels
Average ROE of Bank vs. non-Bank sectors in S&P Global 1200 20 18 16 Average ROE (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Banks Other industries

3 Canadians banks have clearly outperformed US banks over the last decade
Canadian versus US Bank ROEs This product proliferation leads to complexity in management with the following all affected: Systems Sales and branch staff training Customer communication Marketing Risk and control Etc. Recent conduct requirements have increased the cost and complexity of the sales processes leading to additional control layers for the process Markets are increasingly interconnected and global with more and more revenues booked to Financial Institutions by clients outside of the home market of the bank The client base is also increasingly international requiring institutions to service their accounts from across the world This forces institutions to either have operations across the globe or have links with local players that can act for them Regulations change from jurisdiction to jurisdiction Systems integration across borders/time zones/other institutions required US Top 50 Bank ROE Canadian Top 6 Bank ROE

4 Bigger is not now better in banking
Change in ROEs of 24 GSIBs Change in ROE of rest of top 1000 banks ~1% (2006) decline Performance decreasePerformance decrease Higher capital chargesHigher capital chargesHigher capital charges ROE (2014Q2)3 (2006) decline Performance decreasePerformance decrease Higher capital chargesHigher capital chargesHigher capital charges ROE (2014Q2)3

5 Productivity in US financial services has stalled
US multifactor productivity index by sector, 1987–2012 70 60 Productivity index 50 Productivity gap of FS vis-a-vis Tech. ~35% 40 30 Productivity CAGR ’01–’12 for Finance and Insurance sector = 1% 20 10 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Financial Services Technology Manufacturing

6 Productivity in Canadian financial services has also stalled
Canada multifactor productivity index by sector, 1987–2012 Productivity index Manufacturing Technology Financial Services

7 Complexity is the major challenge facing the global banking industry


9 Complexity is the major challenge facing the global banking industry

10 The impact of regulation on returns
Post-crisis impact of regulations on Bank ROEs Global Wholesale Banking US Retail Banking -1% -2% -3% -4% -5% -6% -7% -8% Estimated RoE impact post-mitigation Bull to Bear

11 Proliferation of channels
Sources of complexity Regulation Proliferation of channels

12 St. Peter’s Square on April 4, 2005

13 St. Peter’s Square on March 13, 2013

14 Sources of complexity Regulation Proliferation of channels
Fragmented infrastructure Proliferation of products M&A Geographic expansion Stagnant productivity and unattractive returns

15 Big picture business portfolio analysis
Value Things Geographies Businesses Products Customers

16 Typical response of banks to regulatory change

17 Triaging regulation Regulator says Do X! Skills-based Modular
Is this compliance? Is this strategy? Skills-based Modular Shared services Accurate and efficient Impact analysis Business choices Only then Systems Organization Efficiency

18 The illusion of customization
Toyota Camry Toyota Highlander Toyota Solara Lexus ES 300 Lexus RX300

19 Platforming in banking
Customer channel Advisor Branch Mobile/ internet Phone ATM Integration layer Common data layer Product components Configurable components Few legacy silos Common application Common front end Image and document management Intelligent workflow Process management Security Database management Web services Services

20 In conclusion Increasing complexity has lowered returns in banking and caused productivity growth to stall Key drivers are regulation, proliferation, and operational fragmentation To simplify their business banks must: Be ruthless in their application of the 80/20 rule Learn to manage regulation as a core competence Create the illusion of customization without the silos


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