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Protocols and Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Protocols and Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protocols and Expectations
:Large group gathering and sharing (learn from an "expert," take turns sharing ideas and asking questions) Protocols and Expectations Move furniture the right way into a U or circle Can use counter and high tables for different levels of seating as long at you are not blocking anyone else Choose your seat wisely  Respectful listening listen to speaker, make eye contact, and show positive body language Be open to others' ideas and questions Tablets closed when not in use

2 Protocols and Expectations
:a place for collaborative group time (work together, learn from each other, process new information, draw conclusions about what you already know) Protocols and Expectations Move furniture the right way (use the wheels and be mindful of your space) Stay on task and with your own group Be an active member of the group (contribute by completing the work and engaging in discussions) Respect each other (listen to others, eye contact/body language, include everyone) Tablets closed when not in use

3 Protocols and Expectations
: a place for independent work and reflection (think, reflect, study) Protocols and Expectations Move furniture the right way (use wheels and be mindful of your space) Find an area separate from others where you have your own personal space Make use of all areas of the room (you don't need to have a surface for your device) Quiet Raise your hand if you have a question and speak softly so you don't disturb others Purposeful Be mindful of the task Know what resources you need to support your learning Use your time productively

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