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Imewasilishwa na Prof. Samuel Wangwe

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Presentation on theme: "Imewasilishwa na Prof. Samuel Wangwe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Umuhimu wa Taaluma ya Maendeleo ya Jamii Katika Kuelekea Uchumi wa Kati 2025
Imewasilishwa na Prof. Samuel Wangwe Kongamano na Mkutano Mkuu wa Sekta ya Maendeleo ya Jamii : Wataalam wa Maendeleo ya jamii ni Chachu katika kufikia uchumi wa kati November 2018 Arusha.

2 Outline Tanzania Development Vision and Position of Community Development Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation Conclusion and the way forward

3 Tanzania Development Vision and Position of Community Development
Middle income High economic growth (8-10%) broadly shared High level of human development Agricultural transformation Industrialization Strong and competitive economy Participation of communities in development

4 Tanzania Development Vision and Position of Community Development-2
A positive community spirit balancing individual initiative and collective initiative of communities inculcating a culture of sharing of ideas and facilities within communities and between communities Community development as a way of pooling resources for the good of all. The mobilization and effective utilization of domestic resources (natural, financial and human)

5 Tanzania Development Vision and Position of Community Development-3
The role of the State to permit communities to participate in the market in the context of national and global realities. undertake investments in infrastructure development The strategy of promoting democratic and popular participation should entail empowering local governments and communities and promoting broad-based grassroots participation in the mobilization of resources, knowledge and experience with a view to stimulating initiatives at all levels of society

6 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation
Nyerere saw the position of community development in the early post-independence period true development is development of people by the people Community development and recognition of own ability to identifying own obstacles to development Using available resources to remove the obstacles and improve their quality of life.

7 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-2
The role of local communities in development is complementary to the role of the state and market. Each component on its own is associated with failures (market failure, government failure and community failures) in coordinating development for socioeconomic transformation. Communities play two major economic functions: trust as social capital and supplying local public goods.

8 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-3
Trust as social capital: influenced by their structure of organization, structure of production relations strengthened by instituting social sanctioning in the community based on a moral code in the community, improved information sharing, and by incorporating non-business personal elements in business transactions (e.g. mutual participation in weddings and funerals).

9 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-4
Trust increases efficiency and reduces costs by removing barriers to market development providing a mechanism for enforcing trade contracts and reducing transaction costs in community activities. The supply of local public goods forms the basis of comparative advantage of community over markets (which supply private goods) and state (which supplies public goods at higher level national or global). structure of demand for public goods can be determined with greater accuracy identifying and preventing free-riders is likely to be more effective.

10 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-5
Community level institutions are sufficiently flexible in adjusting to changing economic needs and can therefore be a critical pillar in the process of socioeconomic transformation and can provide basis for modern and large scale organization e.g lessons from community level cooperation in irrigation and forest conservation in Japan provided the basis for modern corporate management systems.

11 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-6
Labour intensive infrastructure investments can generate jobs and develop local capacity in the construction industry: need an enabling regulatory framework, need opportunities for training and skill building policies to enhance local content sourcing, industrial upgrading, skill development, clustering and supply chain support facilities. strategically planned secondary cities and transport corridors

12 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-7
Community linkage to large scale projects by supplying inputs Establishing requirements of large projects Building capacity to supply them Demand CSR but use it to build capacity to supply

13 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-8
Community linkage to small scale industries- facilitating movement up the supply chain. Many options of adding value: productivity in agriculture, high value crops, grading, packaging, processing, seeking lucrative markets.

14 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-9
Planning the Community level economy In practice, much of the innovation is likely to be at the local level, since this the level with maximum interaction among people, enterprise and the government administration Use of technology for production. Learning new techniques and exchanging experience and governance Community level planning to transform the rural economy

15 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-10
Interpreting national development policies to local realities on the ground Potentials in the economy, obstacles and how to harness potentials for development of the community economy Economic empowerment for increasing production, employment and productivity for the majority

16 Position of Community Development in Economic Transformation-11
Participation in the planning and implementation Participation: broad, meaningful and at all levels O&OD approach and how widely it is being used in practice and follow up mechanisms to be instituted Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation. M&E for feedbacks Developing indicators (inputs, outputs and outcomes) Coping and adaptations to changing conditions Learning from experience (own and others)

17 Conclusion and way forward
Vision 2025 recognizes and defines the position of community development in realizing the vision Ensure understanding of the national level policies and strategies with a view to interpreting and adapting them to community level conditions Ensure good understanding of the regional, district and community level economy in order to plan for community level development Plan and strategise for growth and development of the community level economy including employment and productivity increase Identify obstacles and constraints and strategise to remove them to unleash growth and development

18 Conclusion and way forward-2
Promote and practice participation in planning and implementation based on O&OD Develop human resources for planning development at the community level M&E : develop indicators, institutionalise feedback and learning from experience

19 Conclusion and way forward-3
Two final appeals: importance of capacity-building, multisectoral partnership working, the development of institutional capacity and the availability of social capital and the ability to exploit it. Undertake further research to chart the roadmap for transformation of the rural economy based on community development.

20 Play your part it can be done


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