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9/8/2015 Finish Group Heart Posters

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2 9/8/2015 Finish Group Heart Posters
2. Finish Heart Dissections, Turn into bin. 3. Components of Blood Notes 4. Components of Blood Left Side Assignment

3 Components of Blood

4 What are the parts of blood?
Plasma- Clear, yellow colored liquid Makes up 55% Contains water (~90%) and solutes (~10%) -Amino acids, proteins, carbs, sugars, ions, electrolytes, and wastes, hormones

5 Plasma (cont.) ~45% remainder is Hematocrit /Blood cells
-American Red Cross Donations -Restrictions? -Hematopoesis Hem=? Poesis=? Total blood volume -adult males= 5-6 Liters -adult females= 4-5 Liters Why the discrepancy?

6 2. Erythrocytes- AKA-red blood cells Biconcave cells-larger surface area Contain hemoglobin Lack a nucleus Mid-sized Most numerous cell in the blood Fxn-transport Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

7 3. Leukocytes (see pg. 658 in Marieb) AKA-white blood cells All Larger than RBCs Least numerous cells in the blood Contains nucleus Fxn: fight disease

8 3. Leukocytes Broken into two groups- Granulocytes- cells which have a grainy cytoplasm Agranulocytes- cell which do not have a grainy cytoplasm

9 There are 5 Types of WBCs: Granulocytes- 1-Neutrophils-use phagocytosis (contain many lysosomes) on Bacteria 2-Eosinophils-use phagocytosis to engulf parasitic worms, control inflammation and allergic rxns, bilobed nucleus 3--Basophils-help with blood clotting (heparin), histamine-allergic reactions

10 There are 5 Types of WBCs: Agranulocytes- 4-Monocytes-use phagocytosis to engulf large invading organisms (macrophages) 5-Lymphocytes-major immunity cell, produce antibodies T-lymphocytes- attack infected cells B-lymphocytes- produce antibodies

11 Portions of very large cells ½ size of RBC WBC <# < RBC
4. Thrombocytes- AKA-platelets Portions of very large cells ½ size of RBC WBC <# < RBC FXN-stop blood flow forming a platelet plug Summary clip

12 4. Thrombocytes- Hemostasis- stopping of blood flow at a damaged tissue Coagulation- formation of a blood clot, platelets release chemicals which will assist in the coagulation, also assisted by protein fibrinogen] Summary clip




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