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Site Coordinator Sessions–#1

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1 Site Coordinator Sessions–#1
Proctor Scheduling Site Coordinator Sessions–#1

2 CONSIDERATIONS Test Schedule –check website
# of times already tested - check website Plan for no opt outs and then adjust once they go through Admin considerations SPED – only out 5 days total 1 hall monitor a day? Keep scheduling as even as possible Goal: 5-6 testing days or less Schedule teachers close to their grade level if at all possible, unless requested otherwise – Specifically elementary! Remote site scheduling for SAT on Apr. 23 Destinations is scheduling their own staff –divide the schools as much as possible given the space you have

3 Accommodations Every 1-on-1 needs their own proctor
Every accommodation type needs their own proctor As long as there is plenty of room to not distract, you can test more than 1 accommodation in a room but they need to be spread far enough apart.

4 Timeline Plan on having a set student schedule by Tues, Feb. 19. Please don’t send anything out to staff before this date! Have schedules prepped and sent to me and the staff by March 1 If you wait, we may have a better idea with opt outs - I won’t be able to update the Google doc on a regular basis but it might be a good idea to keep an eye on Testing Nirvana for sites that you are concerned about (numbers over the ratios that require extra proctors, SATs at remote sites, accommodations that require extra proctors like 1-on-1’s, etc) - Mary Lou will update Opt Outs every day starting next Wednesday (or whatever day the confirmations go out)

5 Schedule Details Grayed out – Room not available
No color/words – room open, no tests scheduled Makeups – can be adjusted Main tests – must stay put Lt. Green – room available but probably not needed Lowry – you have 2 additional rooms on Week 1 and 1 additional room on Week 2 in addition to those on your schedule ER – Education ReEnvisioned BOCES (CPA & PPOS) CODCA – Destinations

6 Extra Exceptions Can’t proctor SAT/PSAT
Debra Wadsworth - Centennial Stacy Durden -Centennial Stacy Armatas -Centennial Julie Casten –Centennial SA Alison Worker –Colo. Springs Janie Turner -Denver Jennifer Lauderdale -Denver Lindsey Armstrong –Denver SC Desiree McLean - Loveland Melissa Valenzuela -Loveland Amber Hutchinson -Montrose Jordan Lamperes – may need to just be a hall monitor due to feeling overwhelmed as a new advisor Stacey Alo. – You will need to be in charge of materials since Lindsey has a student taking the PSAT9. She will have proctor caching computer sent to her though. Melany D. – Do not schedule with MS please

7 Make-up Scheduling Requirements
PSAT9 and 10 can’t test together 345 ELA & Math can test together in any session but sessions must be completed in order 678 ELA can test together in any session but sessions must be completed in order 678 Math Session 1 can’t test with Sessions 2 & 3, though 2 & 3 can test together 4 Social Studies, 5 Science and 8 Science can test together 11 Science must test alone

8 Questions?

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