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Building Partnership between American Dream EN (ADEN) and Idaho Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) November 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Partnership between American Dream EN (ADEN) and Idaho Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) November 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Partnership between American Dream EN (ADEN) and Idaho Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) November 2018

2 Quick Refresher: What is Partnership Plus?

3 How Partnership Plus Works
Beneficiary applies for VR Services and with VR Counselor develops IEP Ticket is placed “in use” by VR. Beneficiary gets a job and after 90 days of employment VR closes case. VR Counselor explains to Beneficiary post employment services available from EN and value of assigning his Ticket. Beneficiary chooses EN to receive post employment services. EN and Beneficiary develop IWP. EN begins receive Ticket payments (Phase 2 or Outcomes) each month the Beneficiary works over SGA. VR receives Cost Reimbursement. EN eligible to receive Phase 2 and Outcome Payments.

4 When a Beneficiary is served by ID VR
The beneficiary: Is using their Ticket with VR Has protection from Continued Disability Review (CDR) from SSA as long as they are making progress ADEN: Cannot assign the beneficiary’s Ticket when it is in use with ID VR The ADEN Member if a VR vendor can serve the VR client under a separate agreement with ID VR during VR service delivery

5 VR Waiting List If on waiting list, options for beneficiary
Wait for VR services Assign Ticket to ADEN If choosing to assign Ticket to ADEN Start services When name is top of waiting list, can choose to go to VR or stay with ADEN If choose VR services, ADEN will ask Participant to unassign his/her Ticket with ADEN. ADEN can invite him/her to return after VR case closure.

6 Ticket Payments and Partnership Plus Cases
Ticket payments Phase 2 and Outcomes are the only payments available to ADEN Payments will require for the beneficiary to be working above SGA level (if under SGA, there will be no payments) and may/may not be receiving a monthly cash benefit ADEN Directors keep track of payments and always posted in ADEN portal, which is found in Member Org record

7 Everyone can Win with PP Case
The Beneficiary is employed and has used their Ticket with both VR and EN VR gets additional funding called Cost Reimbursement from SSA if the VR client works over SGA for 9 months ADEN receives a referral of Ticket holder who is already placed on the job plus will receive the remaining Ticket payments for every month the client is earning over SGA

8 What Type of Services can a ADEN provide to someone after State VR services?

9 Post-VR services from ADEN
Benefits Planning and Work Incentive Guidance Support to stabilize job and adjust to changes on the job Advocacy and resources for accommodations Financial Wellness resources as personal situations change Assistance with action for career advancement Referral to community resources Idaho VR Partnership Plus Flyer can be given to VR Counselors or VR Clients. Found in Member Resources.

10 ADEN Partnership Plus Idaho Flyer

11 The Process for ID VR PP

12 A successful VR case working at or over SGA and case is being closed
ID VR: VR Counselor explains Ticket to Work throughout their services to VR Clients with a Ticket. If VR client choose services after VR, then they choose an EN. VR Counselor will fax referral to the EN (Kevin), plus send an to be sure the fax was received. ADEN: Kevin will route the referral to the ADEN Member using the Portal. If the VR client is not from a service area served by ADEN Member from the state, ADEN Director will call the VR client and assess for assignment and make referral to ADEN Member accordingly.

13 Assess and Assign Ticket
ADEN Member will contact the individual within two days to assess for assignment. Member will enter in Portal if accepting the Ticket or not. ADEN Member will check if the Ticket can be assigned If Ticket Help Line says Ticket is still in use with VR and the person says the case was closed, contact ADEN Director for instruction

14 If Assigning the Ticket: Document PP Case in ADEN Portal
ADEN Member will: Develop the IWP (the IWP date has to be at least 1 day after VR closure date) Create the Participant portal record and check YES in the box on summary tab “Partnership Plus Case” Document services using Participant Services

15 If you need to use WIPA ADEN Member, who do not have certified personnel, will refer all Participants to ID WIPA until the Member has certified work incentive advisor State of Idaho has contract with Montana WIPA; Idaho WIPA contact is Jenne Horton. If making referral for services to WIPA, you direct the person to the Ticket to Work Help Line. If the person is one of the following: has pending job offer, is job searching, or employed, then WIPA will start services. ADEN Member will document BWIA services even when provided by WIPA.

16 Other requirements The Idaho PP Agreement requires the EN to inform them when the person works over nine months of SGA - Mary Lynn responsible. ADEN will join ID VR quarterly meetings with EN to evaluate effectiveness and discuss needed changes. Members will be invited. Renewal of contract – Mary Lynn responsible.

17 Summary: ADEN Deliverables for ID VR PP Case
ADEN Member responsibility Follow up with referral and determine if accepting Ticket Complete IWP Check “Yes” for Partnership Plus question in summary tab Provide services and document services in portal as usual ADEN Director responsibility Maintain PP contract with ID VR Join quarterly meetings with ID VR and keep current list of ADEN ID Members to ID VR Assist Members with their responsibilities

18 Access to Materials and Information
Found ADEN Resources under ID VR Partnership Plus If questions, Mary Lynn

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