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Notes #5: History of the Atom (pt 5) - Orbitals!

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1 Notes #5: History of the Atom (pt 5) - Orbitals!

2 ELECTRON ORBITALS What Bohr didn’t figure out was that each region of his “orbits” was broken down into smaller regions → ORBITALS! However, Bohr was correct on: Low energy closest to the nucleus High energy the farther out you go

3 Orbitals # of varieties Pictures
ORBITAL SHAPES Orbitals # of varieties Pictures DON’T NEED TO KNOW! S 1 p 3 d 5 f 7

4 S & p orbitals animation Scandium
Energy Level # of sublevels Orbital Types # of Orbitals Max # of e-s 1 1 s(1) 1 2 2 2 s(1)p(3) 4 8 3 3 s(1)p(3)d(5) 9 18 4 4 s(1)p(3)d(5)f(7) 16 32 S & p orbitals animation Scandium

5 WE NEED A NEW MODEL Aufbau Principle
Start at the lowest energy level and fill up from there. (lazy electrons) NOTICE 4s!!! Hund’s Rule Fill each orbital before doubling up. (electrons don’t share)

6 Rules for Writing e- Configuration: Big # = Energy Level
When filling orbital: One e- in each before doubling up Double up before moving up! Rules for Writing e- Configuration: Big # = Energy Level Little # = # of electrons in that sublevel

7 AUFBAU’S PRINCIPLE = Start at lowest energy level and fill up from there CAN YOU THINK OF A SITUATION THAT VIOLATES THIS PRINCIPLE? Excited State!

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