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Demographics of SDSS Quasars in Two-Dimension

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1 Demographics of SDSS Quasars in Two-Dimension
Yue Shen Carnegie Observatories In collaboration with Brandon Kelly (UCSB)

2 Motivation The abundance (and clustering) of quasars are key to understand the evolution of quasars/SMBHs in the hierarchical structure formation paradigm Abundance measurements form a basis for any cosmological quasar models Likely tied to formation and evolution of galaxies Key science goal in many current and upcoming extragalactic survey programs

3 Quasar Luminosity Function Evolves strongly with redshift
The space density of bright quasars peaks around z~2-3 Richards et al. (2006, SDSS DR3)

4 Z= For bright quasars, the abundance follows a “pure luminosity evolution” (PLE)  a fading, long-lived quasar population? PLE Such a simple picture doesn’t fit other observations. SDSS DR7 LF (Shen & Kelly 2012)

5 Quasar clustering measurements suggest low-z quasars are not simply the descendants of high-z quasars Dashed lines: predicted evolution of the linear bias for a passive population z~2 quasars should end up in cluster-sized environment at z~0.5 YS, McBride, White, Zheng, et al. (2013)

6 Quasars evolve in the mass-luminosity plane
A better representation of the evolution of the quasar population Contains richer information about the growth of SMBHs Virial masses

7 Estimating quasar BH masses
The broad-line region (BLR) is assumed to be virialized BLR size (reverberation mapping) Virial velocity Reverberation mapping is time consuming, and we only have BLR size measured this way for ~40 AGNs

8 Reverberation mapping  R~Lb (Kaspi et al. 2000)
b~0.5, Consistent with naive predictions of photoionization models Bentz et al. (2009)

9 Single-epoch virial BH mass estimators
Continuum luminosity Broad line width Vestergaard & Peterson(2006), McLure & Dunlop (2004), Greene et al. (2005), and many more … Currently the only practical method to estimate BH mass for large spectroscopic quasar samples Many physical and practical concerns that need to be addressed (Shen 2013): we are extrapolating from ~40 local AGNs with reverberation mapping data to high-z, high-luminosity quasars Large uncertainties for individual BH mass estimates: ~ a factor of 3 (~0.5 dex)

10 Quasar abundance in the mass-luminosity plane
The sample used: ~58,000 uniformly selected DR7 SDSS quasars, with good spectra to estimate BH mass Two major problems: Flux limit of the sample Scatter in BH mass due to errors in mass estimates Virial masses

11 Forward modeling in the mass-luminosity plane (Shen & Kelly 2012, Kelly & Shen 2013)
Flux limit and mass errors are more easily accounted for More information is preserved True BH masses

12 LF BHMF Caveats: SDSS only probes the tip of the quasar population, poorly constraining the faint-end of the LF and the low-mass end of the BHMF – need deeper data Systematic uncertainties of quasar BH mass estimates have dramatic effects on the BHMF estimates – need to improve the BH weighing method

13 Downsizing in terms of quasar luminosity and BH mass

14 Properly accounting for the selection effect of flux-limited samples and errors in the virial BH mass estimates Eddington limit Interpret the “observed distributions” with caution Flux limit Red: true mass Black: virial mass estimates

15 Summary Instead of measuring LF and BHMF separately, measure 2D density in the M-L plane (if you have a spectroscopic sample); this gives you more information on the evolution of the quasar population Forward modeling in the M-L plane makes it easier to account for the sample flux-limit and errors in mass estimates The “observed” distribution in the M-L plane is biased; don’t interpret it directly! There is urgent need to improve quasar BH mass weighing methods (~0.5 dex error is inconvenient)

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