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Unreal Engine 短期課程 指導老師: 資訊工程系 胡敏君 老師 教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫

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Presentation on theme: "Unreal Engine 短期課程 指導老師: 資訊工程系 胡敏君 老師 教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unreal Engine 短期課程 指導老師: 資訊工程系 胡敏君 老師 教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫

2 Unreal Engine Course

3 Review Basic material usage Material Instance
Blending color/normal textures Masking technique Concept of linear interpolation

4 Bonus: Parallax Mapping
Normal mapping only affect light calculation, can we make it further?

5 Idea of Parallax Mapping
Assumption: slope ascend and descend slowly, we can estimate with H

6 Goal Black-and-white Pixelize Outline around objects
Monitor(If we have enough time)

7 Post Processing We can do post processing with material
Create unique and stylistic effect

8 Buffer Visualization

9 NOTE Change Material Domain to Post Processing
To Apply, post processing volume->Blendable - >Assets and then find your material PostProcessingInput0 usually equal to scene color

10 Black and White

11 RGB to Gray scale To convert RGB to gray scale, we have the following formula Y = (R, G, B, A) dot (0.2126, , , 0) Or Y = (R, G, B, A) dot (0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0)

12 Pixelize

13 Pixelize – The Idea We need to make continuous texture coordinate discrete, It’s all about math… HINT: scaling and floor/round/ceil

14 Outline around Objects

15 Custom Depth and Stencil
We can achieve many effects with custom depth and stencil. Mark the objects that you wish to render to custom depth!

16 Remapping Depth Value Originally, depth and custom depth are actual distance from camera. It’s more useful to remap the value to [0, 1]

17 Convolution

18 The Many Use of Custom Depth

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