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Supervisor: Eng. Mohammad abu neama

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1 Supervisor: Eng. Mohammad abu neama
Construction Claims By Raya Jaber Tasnim Bany Jaber Tala Aydi Supervisor: Eng. Mohammad abu neama

2 Outline Introduction Definition Methods to resolve construction claims
Objectives Methods to resolve construction claims Statement of the problem Methodology Data analysis Conclusion Recommendation

3 Introduction Managing construction projects with standards and specifications plays a fundamental role in construction projects. Expectations of parties may be disappointing and disputes may arise at any time between the first bid and the last bill of the project.

4 Definition construction claims are defined as a request from one party to another for adjustment because of change under the contract terms. Parties involved in construction claims are, owner, contractor and designer.

5 Resolve Construction Claims

6 Statement of the problem
Construction projects in Palestine suffer from many problems, which result in extension beyond budget and time. Because of these problems, construction claims occur. In this project, an identification of the most important causes of construction claims were determined in order to avoid them.

7 Project objectives Determination of the impact of claims on construction which are time, cost and quality in Palestine. Identification of the party that is responsible for each cause. Identification the most important causes of issuing construction claims in Palestine.

8 Methodology

9 Data Analysis In order to achieve the project objectives, data was collected and analyzed using likert scale and Microsoft Office Excel.

10 Questionnaire Questionnaire template was prepared as a part of this research and distributed over two parties, owner and contractor. The questionnaire consists of three sections, each section aims to gather different information.

11 Questionnaire Pilot test
It is a preliminary study conducted in order to evaluate questionnaire template to get a final, error-free, and clear template. Ways to send questionnaires . Transmission by hand.

12 Contractors’ sample Data was analyzed from each party’s point of view
From this figure, it is shown that only 58% of respondent have responded.

13 Work experience Because of high level of experience it is expected that the data will be more accurate and reliable.

14 Classification of contractor company
Most of contractors companies in Nablus are classified from first to third degree

15 Average number of issuing

16 Impact of issuing claims on the project
Increase in the cost of the project to the owner has the greatest impact, and the second impact is delay in completion the project.

17 common way to solve claims
Negotiation method is considered as a cheap and saves time.

18 Identifying the responsible for each cause
Data was analyzed and each cause was allocated for the party who is responsible for it. In this part of questionnaire, the weighted stake (measured by no. of ticks) of each cause was calculated and allocation made to the party with the highest weight that is 33% or more.

19 Causes of claims and the degree of occurrence

20 Causes of claims and the degree of occurrence cont.

21 Causes of claims and the degree of occurrence cont

22 Conclusion In conclusion, there is a significant difference perspectives between both owner and contractor. This is because an owner expects that the project will be completed within its established schedule and within its cost.

23 Conclusion However, a contractor try to complete the project though there is always a probability of obstacles facing any project naturally.

24 The designer should prepare
Recommendation Detailed drawing Bill of quantities specifications General conditions Private conditions The designer should prepare

25 Recommendation Employ qualified engineers
Give authority to approve the drawings and samples. Make sure that the fund is available

26 Permits License Approvals required Detailed drawings Budget Tender is ready

27 Recommendation Check all site conditions, especially the soil reports.
Make sure that the specification of materials that needed are clear Clear bill of quantities and specification.

28 Hope you enjoy our presentation, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate


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