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Community language learning

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1 Community language learning
Fachdidaktik I October 13th, 2016 Fatma, Maja and Kristina

2 Community Language Learning
Whole-person learning: understanding students’ feelings, physical/protective reactions and their desire to learn Counseling: One person giving advice, assistance, and support to another who has a problem or is in some way in need. Teacher (counselor) student (client) Community Language Learning basically represents the use of psychological counseling techniques to teach languages. This type of learning should engage the whole person including the emotions and feelings (the affective realm) as well as linguistic knowledge and behavioral skills. Learning is both cognitive and affective. The development of the relationship between learner and teacher is centralCLL draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine the roles of the teacher and the learners. The teacher as the counselor gives advice, assistance or support to the student as the client to overcome his or her fear of language learning.. Hence, the basic procedures of CLL can be seen as derived from the counselor-client relationship.. In CLL, the learning process is divided in different stages that are compared to the development of a child from birth to adult.

3 Typical CLL class Chairs in circles of six or twelve learners Silence
One student initiates conversation by presenting a message in L1 Instructor, standing behind the student, translates into (and may interpret it in) target language Student repeats L2 message to addressee and into tape recorder Reflection period Recordings replayed Each student repeats meaning in L1 of what she/he had said in L2

4 Typical CLL class (cont.)
Teacher chooses certain sentences to write on blackboard (students not allowed to take notes) Teacher underlines every word and asks for translation/translates herself/himself (writes translation) Teacher reads the transcript, students have to sit back and listen Human computer to practice pronunciation Teacher asks students to create new sentences based upon the words and phrases of transcript. Share sentences with the rest of the class. Time to think about experience

5 Intention behind … Teacher stands behind students
Teacher does not remain in front of class – the threat (teacher’s superior knowledge) is reduced and interaction between students reinforced

6 Intention behind … Teacher translates what students want to say in chunks Teacher should be aware of student’s level of confidence and give them just what they need in order to be successful

7 Intention behind … Discussion about experience/how students felt during conversation Teacher accepts students’ answers Teacher and students are whole persons - sharing feelings allows students to build a community Each learner is unique, students lower their defenses as learning becomes less threatening

8 Intention behind … Teacher reads transcript, students sit back and listen Subsequent activities are based on transcript Students need quiet reflection time in order to learn Students are more willing to learn when they have created the material themselves

9 Syllabus Unconventional syllabus Progression is topic-based
Textbook unnecessary

10 Discussion What are the goals of the Community Language Learning Method? What is the role of the students’ native language? What are the advantages and disadvantages of not following a syllabus?

11 Source Richards, J.C. and T.S. Rodgers Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

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