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Persuasion! Lesson Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasion! Lesson Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasion! Lesson Two

2 Use of words to convey a meaning opposite of its literal meaning
Irony Use of words to convey a meaning opposite of its literal meaning

3 Assertion A declaration or statement
Synonyms: proclamation, claim, pronouncement

4 Rebuttal A reply intended to show fault in an opponent’s argument
Synonyms: counterargument, reply, defense

5 Synonyms: discredit, disprove, oppose
Refute To disprove or rebut Synonyms: discredit, disprove, oppose

6 Synonyms: conceit, pride, egotism
narcissism Excessive self-love Synonyms: conceit, pride, egotism

7 Endemic Characteristic of a specific people or place
Synonyms: native, local, regional

8 coercive Inclined to bring change about by force
Synonyms: domineering, oppressive

9 parochial Very limited or narrow in scope
Synonyms: narrow-minded, prejudiced, bigoted

10 ingénue An innocent girl or young woman Synonyms: amateur, simpleton

11 discreet Showing self-restraint in speech or behavior
Synonyms: cautious, controlled, calculating

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