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Assessments and Investigating Literacy Resources

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1 Assessments and Investigating Literacy Resources
Week Fourteen Assessments and Investigating Literacy Resources April 27, 2009 OUR LAST CLASS!!!!!!

2 Objectives Identify the use of assessments
Identify the sources of information that are used when reading Create a literacy framework using literacy terms and ideas Create a Wiki resource for teaching different components of language arts

3 Agenda Agenda Overview (3 min) Housekeeping (5 min)
Assessments (35 min) Creating a literacy framework (35 min) Work Time (90 min)

4 Announcements Reminders:
CT evaluations of you + sign-in sheets + CT update forms all due to Brooke Stowers by Friday, May 1 Final Exam meeting date and time: Monday, May 4, 12:40 - 2:40, Room 224 Upcoming due dates: Final notebook: Due Friday, May 1 to Angel Final participation log: Due Monday, May 4 to Angel

5 Agenda Assessments (35 min) Agenda Overview (3 min)
Housekeeping (5 min) Assessments (35 min) Creating a literacy framework (35 min) Work Time (90 min)

6 What is assessment? Fountas & Pinnell (2001) define assessment as:
“Collecting information about or evidence of students’ learning” It is a continual and integral part of quality teaching. It is data that affects your daily teaching and your long-term planning

7 What can we assess in reading?
Fluent processing Comprehension Amounts, types, and quality of reading Level of text Attitudes and interests Response to literature

8 How can we use assessments?
Reading Inventories and Miscue Analysis Used in both lower and upper elementary (Developmental Reading Assessment –DRA; Qualitative Reading Inventory-QRI; Running records Attends to what students are and are not using when reading Informs individual and group instruction

9 A Reading Inventory Child reads aloud Teacher records reading behavior
Teacher analyzes errors – What sources of information did the student use? What didn’t they use? Teacher records fluency rate Let’s practice recording the reading behavior

10 Sources of Information (Clay, 2002)
Meaning: Was the child attending to the meaning of the text? Did the meaning of the text influence the error? Does what the child said make sense? Structure (syntax): Did the structure of the sentence up to the point of error influence what the child said? Can it be said that way in the English language? Visual Information: Did visual information from the print influence any part of the error? Does it look right? LET’S PRACTICE!

11 Agenda Creating a literacy framework (35 min) Agenda Overview (3 min)
Housekeeping (5 min) Assessments (35 min) Creating a literacy framework (35 min) Work Time (90 min)

12 Literacy Framework


14 Work with a partner to create a concept map or framework for how it all fits together. You can use any or all of the terms below to visually conceptualize your understanding of literacy learning: phonics comprehension culture literature genre writing reader response perspective fluency concepts about print phonological awareness vocabulary critical literacy new literacies discussion community learning styles curriculum spelling Motivation social action perspective interactive perspective Background knowledge asset based thinking integration Locus of control technology colleagues families Recitation planning investment reading Oral language listening communication

15 Work Time Use the rest of the time to meet with your group and create your Wiki page: Remember to plan for how you will present your Wiki page to the class - just a 3-4 minute talk that addresses: The importance of your topic to you and to teaching in general How your topic enhances literacy learning and instruction - Where does it fit within your conception of a balanced literacy program? You can also work on your final notebook entry and your participation logs

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