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Monday, October 21, 2013 Objectives:

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1 Monday, October 21, 2013 Objectives:
R )Vary reading strategies according to text and purpose; (R ) Read a variety of literature; (R11.8.5) Use context to determine meaning of multiple meaning words Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text?

2 Monday, October 21, 2013 English Agenda
WN: Choose a topic from your October Bingo sheet Library Day – New AR Deadline – December 13th BE SURE YOU RECITE YOUR POEM THIS WEEK – last day to do so is Thursday READ CH. 7-9 of The Outsiders – complete study guide as you read

3 Monday, October 21, 2013 PreAP Agenda
WN: Choose a topic from your October Bingo sheet Library Day – New AR Deadline – December 13th PreAP classes must take the AR Test, Vocabulary Test and Literacy Skills test over The Outsiders TODAY in the library. BE SURE YOU RECITE YOUR POEM THIS WEEK – last day to do so is Thursday Assign The Outsiders Activity Sheet (Project) with rubric on back – Due next Tuesday, October 29th

4 Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Essential Questions: Relating to characters in the novel – how can I do this?

5 Tuesday, October 22, 2013 English Agenda
Outsiders Obstacle Course Wear Comfortable shoes and be ready to run!

6 Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Objectives:
(R )Vary reading strategies according to text and purpose; (R ) Read a variety of literature; (R11.8.5) Use context to determine meaning of multiple meaning words Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? How will developing a better vocabulary improve my reading/writing?

7 Wednesday, October 23, 2013 English Agenda
WN: What piece of furniture in your house has the most interesting story behind it? Write about it.(Be sure to write about a page to meet the requirements for your WN grade.) Read Ch 8 & 9 of The Outsiders with audio recording Complete study guide AS you read Be sure you have your Notebooks in order – including agendas, yellow pages, etc.

8 Wednesday, October 23, 2013 PreAP Agenda
WN: What piece of furniture in your house has the most interesting story behind it? Write about it.(Be sure to write about a page to meet the requirements for your WN grade.) Be sure you have your Notebooks in order – including agendas, yellow pages, etc. Work on your project for The Outsiders – due next Tuesday Recite the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” Watch The Outsiders movie and complete the comparison handout

9 Thursday, October 24, 2013 Objectives:
Essential questions: What are the differences between the novel and the movie version?

10 Thursday, October 24, 2013 English Agenda
WN: Think about what life teaches Ponyboy that school does not. Start a prompt with the following: The lesson or moral I've learned from reading The Outsiders is… ALL CLASSES – MUST RECITE POEM – “Nothing Gold Can Stay” - BY TODAY! Take quiz today on Moodle over Ch. 7-9 Begin reading Chapter 10 of the novel *PreAP – 4th & 6th – Work on Project – due Tuesday. Watch movie of The Outsiders

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