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Respect AMS Substitutes!

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Presentation on theme: "Respect AMS Substitutes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect AMS Substitutes!


3 What are some of the difficulties of being a substitute teacher
What are some of the difficulties of being a substitute teacher? (students answer) (teachers list ideas on board)

4 Respect Substitute teachers are an extension of the school's teaching staff and should be given the same respect as their classroom teachers. AMS expects students’ behavior is no different when a substitute is covering the room than when the classroom teacher is here.

5 How should AMS students behave when there is a sub?
(Teachers) Put students into groups of three and have them list the type of behavior they should display in a classroom with a sub. (5 min.)

6 (teachers) Ask students to share their behaviors and record them on the paper provided for this lesson. (Turn the paper into Mrs. Bommarito)

7 Consequences Substitutes who cover your classroom will keep a close eye on student behavior and will write a report back to the teacher at the end of the day. If your name is left by a substitute, there may be different consequences depending on the teacher (Phone call home, detention, etc.).

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