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Luke 16 Rich man and Lazarus Both DIED Hades – realm of the unseen – Abrahams side – blessed / comforted (25) – OR being in torment Great Chasm - FIXED.

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Presentation on theme: "Luke 16 Rich man and Lazarus Both DIED Hades – realm of the unseen – Abrahams side – blessed / comforted (25) – OR being in torment Great Chasm - FIXED."— Presentation transcript:


2 Luke 16 Rich man and Lazarus Both DIED Hades – realm of the unseen – Abrahams side – blessed / comforted (25) – OR being in torment Great Chasm - FIXED

3 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul.

4 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul. The value of Mercy.

5 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul. The value of Mercy. The importance of Gods word.

6 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul. The value of Mercy. The importance of Gods word. The importance of Evangelism.

7 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul. The value of Mercy. The importance of Gods word. The importance of Evangelism. The weakness of excuses.

8 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul. The value of Mercy. The importance of Gods word. The importance of Evangelism. The weakness of excuses. The reality of eternal punishment.

9 The Rich Man Saw Nothing as important as his soul. The value of Mercy. The importance of Gods word. The importance of Evangelism. The weakness of excuses. The reality of eternal punishment. It was TOO LATE to change.

10 It is NOT too late Nothing as important as YOUR soul. The value of Mercy - The importance of Gods word - The importance of Evangelism The weakness of YOUR excuses The reality of eternal punishment

11 It is NOT too late YOU CAN CHANGE


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