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U.S. Domestic Policy during the Cold War

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2 U.S. Domestic Policy during the Cold War
AIM: How did the Cold War play out at home?


4 Historical Context for Appeal of Mc Carthy?

5 I. The Second Red Scare A. Loyalty Review Board
Investigated 3 million federal employees Probe lasted 4 years Ingrained mistrust of educated elite

6 B. Smith Act 1940: illegal to advocate or belong to any organization that does advocate the overthrow of the government by force Dennis et. al. V. United States 1949: 11 communists convicted in NY of violating Smith Act. Upheld by Court.


8 C. McCarran Internal Security Act 1950
1. Unlawful to support a totalitarian government 2. Restricted travel and employment of anyone joining a Communist organization. 3. Authorized creation of detention camps for subversives

9 D. HUAC/House UnAmerican Activities Committee

10 1. Intended to root out Nazi’s
2. Conservative Politicians fearful of “declining religious sentiment, increased sexual freedom, agitation of civil rights” seen as RED Activity 3. Investigated: government officials, the Boy Scouts, Hollywood 4. Refusal to testify resulted in loss of job.

11 5. Sen. Joseph McCarthy of WI
a. Chairs HUAC b. Witch Hunt Tactics: Supported accusations Demagoguery

12 c. Black Listed Hollywood: d. Army Hearings 1954

13 E. Espionage Cases 1. Alger Hiss: accused by Whittaker Chambers, a confessed communist, sold secrets to the Soviets 2. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

14 Americans React to the Red Scare




18 A. Protection 1. Air Raid Shelters 2. Air Raid Drills
3. Home Made Bomb Shelters

19 4. National Highway and Defense Act - 1956

20 Increase Government Spending
1949 – 32.7% 1953 – 68.1%

21 6. National Education Act
“If we are to maintain our position of leadership, we must see to it that today’s young people are prepared to contribute the maximum for our future progress. Because of the growing importance of science and technology, we must necessarily give special—but by no means exclusive—attention to education in science and engineering.

22 Pledge of Allegiance

23 8. Film Propaganda

24 Anti Red Scare

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