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Conversion of high-response gonadotropin intrauterine insemination cycles to in vitro fertilization results in excellent ongoing pregnancy rates  Amy.

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Presentation on theme: "Conversion of high-response gonadotropin intrauterine insemination cycles to in vitro fertilization results in excellent ongoing pregnancy rates  Amy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversion of high-response gonadotropin intrauterine insemination cycles to in vitro fertilization results in excellent ongoing pregnancy rates  Amy M Antman, B.A., Joseph A Politch, Ph.D., Elizabeth S Ginsburg, M.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 77, Issue 4, Pages (April 2002) DOI: /S (01)

2 FIGURE 1 Delivery rates by E2 levels (pg/mL) on the day of hCG administration. Antman. Conversion of OI/IUI cycles to IVF. Fertil Steril 2002. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

3 FIGURE 2 Delivery rates by the number of follicles on the day of hCG administration. Antman. Conversion of OI/IUI cycles to IVF. Fertil Steril 2002. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

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