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Class 2 Summer Term 2017 Circle of Life!

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Presentation on theme: "Class 2 Summer Term 2017 Circle of Life!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 2 Summer Term 2017 Circle of Life!
This overview aims to provide you with enough information to be able to share and discuss the activities being covered in school with your child. It may also provide opportunities for you to visit places of interest connected with the learning taking place at school. It may be that having read the overview you are able to offer experiences and/or resources to enrich your child’s learning experiences. Class 2 Summer Term 2017 Circle of Life! This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this term.

2 Music RE/PSHE ICT Art/DT PE & Games History/ Maths Circle of Life!
Topic songs Composition Tuned and Un-tuned instruments Pitch, tempo and rhythm. RE/PSHE RE – Why should we care for the Earth? PSHE – How did we get here? Circle time games and activities. ICT Research skills We are Photographers – using cameras and editing programmes Education City Learning Platform Art/DT Food Technology Famous Artist- Arcimboldo Using different materials PE & Games Multi-skills Tennis Athletics History/ Geography N/A Science Living and non-living. Our Body Senses Healthy Eating & Lifestyles English Story writing, descriptive writing, explanation text, instructions, poetry and non-chronological reports.. Maths Number bonds 10, 20, 100 2, 3, 4 ,5 & 10 times tables Multiplication and division Doubling and Halving 2D/3D shapes & their properties Solving and representing problems Circle of Life!

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