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JFSQ – Using PRODCOM Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry 20-21 FEB 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "JFSQ – Using PRODCOM Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry 20-21 FEB 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 JFSQ – Using PRODCOM Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry FEB 2018

2 What is PRODCOM? PRODCOM is the annual Community survey for industrial production Both total production and production sold are recorded For wood & paper products, this is a useful source that several correspondents already use Many wood & paper products have confidentiality problems in both JFSQ and PRODCOM PRODCOM provides estimates of total EU production for every product in the "PRODCOM List" Alignment of JFSQ products to PRODCOM products is possible, though not for recovered products or products for recycling The PRODCOM list changes as new products are added Eurostat sends out the alignment with the annual JFSQ

3 Proposal to use PRODCOM for the JFSQ
Codes that are well aligned and produce realistic time series (see document 8.2) Codes merging JFSQ pulp products (see document 8.4): Mechanical wood pulp Semi-chemical wood pulp and Pulp from fibres other than wood into a single code, following PRODCOM The 2 sulphate chemical wood pulps into a single code, following PRODCOM The 2 sulphite chemical wood pulps into a single code, following PRODCOM Veneers and plywood also have PRODCOM codes starting in 2015 and 2016, alignment and data quality to be checked Several remaining paper & packaging codes' alignment to be checked

4 Opinion sought on proposal to use for JFSQ data on production
The principle of total production data – not production sold Nine PRODCOM codes: tropical sawnwood, OSB after 2013, dissolving grades wood pulp, newsprint, 3 types of graphic papers (uncoated mechanical, uncoated woodfree and coated papers), and 2 types of packaging materials (case materials and cartonboard) Three pulp products according to the PRODCOM breakdown as a simplification of the current 7 pulp products Eurostat will also examine once more the alignment of all of the remaining paper and packaging codes with PRODCOM, and add the results to the list to be shared with the correspondents.

5 Thank you for your attention!

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