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Winsorisation for estimates of change

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1 Winsorisation for estimates of change
Daniel Lewis

2 Overview The outlier problem Winsorisation for estimates of level
Winsorisation for estimates of change Implementing change Winsorisation Evaluation of methods for Winsorising change Conclusions

3 The outlier problem Estimate population parameters from sample data:
Assumes sample data represent non-sample data Outliers present in sample can unduly influence estimates Unusual weighted values, wi yi Outlier theory treats ‘representative’ outliers Winsorisation modifies the values of outliers

4 Winsorisation for level estimates
Choose cut-off ki to minimise MSE Clarify that this is one-sided type two Winsorisation.

5 Cut-offs for level Winsorisation
Minimising MSE gives: B is the bias introduced by Winsorisation This is estimated by: L is the negative of the bias – estimated by algorithm using past survey data. Ideally multiple periods Issue of how best to calculate L

6 Winsorisation for estimates of change
Focus on absolute difference: Y2 – Y1. Currently Winsorise separately (one-sided) and take difference Tends to work well as Winsorisation bias ‘cancels out’ to some degree Can we improve by Winsorising change directly? Derived and tested two possible methods

7 Method 1 for Winsorising change
Derive cut-offs for two adjacent level estimates that minimise the MSE of the difference: Assume single cut-off ki for a unit in both periods to assist in developing theory Justified by high overlap between samples and fact that L-values are usually kept constant

8 Method 1 change cut-offs
Cut-off that minimises MSE under these conditions is given by:

9 Method 2 for Winsorising change
Winsorise the difference directly: Winsorise three terms separately Need to Winsorise

10 Method 2 continued… Re-write first term as:
Second term here should be relatively insignificant Defining we have: Then Winsorise first term with w2i as weight, keep second term unaltered and Winsorise non-common terms as usual

11 How to Winsorise Δi Δi can be positive or negative, so we need to define: kUi is cut-off for unusually large positive changes kLi is cut-off for unusually large negative changes How should we derive cut-offs? Investigated different approaches for two-sided Winsorisation Talk about Kokic-Smith method, Winsorising symmetrically about 0 and ABS approach.

12 Winsorising Δi – approach implemented
Treat cut-offs kLi and kUi separately Minimise MSE relative to kLi for negative cut-off and relative to kUi for positive cut-off Not optimal overall, but identifies and adjusts a sensible number of outliers and reduces MSE Leads to the following cut-offs:

13 Evaluations Two methods of evaluation:
MSE estimates using full Monthly Production Inquiry sample returns Simulation, sub-sampling from Monthly Production Inquiry sample Range of options for adjusting y1 and y2 when identify outlier in change Only going to look at Winsorising change results.

14 Winsorising change (selected results)
Survey estimated results (RMSE (‘000s)): Simulation results (RMSE (‘000s)): Very different message from the two evaluations! No Wins Wins Change 1 Wins Change 2 Wins Level 234 215 181 No Wins Wins Change 1 Wins Change 2 Wins Level 832 714 1008 572

15 Conclusions Winsorising change directly appears too volatile to offer improvements on Winsorising component level estimates and taking the difference Accuracy of MSE estimates from survey data does not appear sufficient to judge which Winsorisation strategies are most efficient

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