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Levels of Economic Activity

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Presentation on theme: "Levels of Economic Activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Levels of Economic Activity

2 Primary Economic Activities
Collection of raw materials

3 Primary:Example

4 Primary:Example

5 Primary:Example

6 Primary:Example

7 Primary: Example

8 Primary: Example

9 Primary: Locational Factors
Must be located near to natural resources

10 Less Developed countries have economies dominated by primary economic activities

11 Secondary Economic Activities
Adding value to raw materials by making them more useful

12 Secondary: Example

13 Secondary: Example

14 Secondary: Examples

15 Secondary: Examples

16 Secondary: Examples

17 Secondary: Locational Factors
Easy access to raw materials, energy sources, labor pool and markets

18 Infrastructure Basic support system needed to form a successful economy. Power, communications, transportation, water, sanitation, education

19 Tertiary Economic Activities
Provide services

20 Tertiary: Example

21 Tertiary: Example

22 Tertiary: Example

23 Tertiary: Example

24 Tertiary: Example

25 Tertiary: Example

26 Tertiary: Locational Factors
Proximity to markets (located close to people that need your services)

27 Quaternary: Definition
Analyzing and dissemination of information

28 Quaternary: Example Stock market analysis

29 Quaternary: Example Insurance Actuary

30 Quaternary: Locational Factors
Good infrastructure and skilled labor

31 What is important to understand about this?
You can tell how developed a country is by what the most common economic activities that take place. Less developed countries have mostly primary economic activities More developed countries have mostly tertiary economic activities

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