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The KWL of Classroom Management

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1 The KWL of Classroom Management
Presented by: Maria Ekhator Amanda Lee Jennifer Montoya Meryl Sevcik Diana Viteri

2 You can’t be the nice teacher all the time.
K W L You can’t be the nice teacher all the time. What are some behavior management strategies? -Give choices -Redirecting instead of punishing Model and highlight good behavior Be Positive

3 It’s not as easy as it seems.
K W L It’s not as easy as it seems. How do we put to ease our worries about behavior issues? - Lay down your expectations for your students at the beginning of the school year. - Be firm and consistent about the Classroom rules. -A teacher must be well prepared every day for the students. A teacher can re-direct negative behavior without been confrontational about it.

4 Classroom management has changed dramatically over the years.
K W L Classroom management has changed dramatically over the years. What changes have occurred over the years? • classroom management strategies have changed. (discipline, Love and Logic) • technology and ways of teaching have changed (smart board, ELMO) • parent involvement and how to involve them in the school

5 Classroom management doesn’t come natural and requires experience.
K W L Classroom management doesn’t come natural and requires experience. How to incorporate different strategies with different students? be flexible allow yourself to change the direction of your lesson if necessary     know your students strengths and weaknesses  - have multiple "back of plans" if the lesson becomes too difficult or too easy

6 There is a support system and it is important to use it.
K W L There is a support system and it is important to use it. Where and who is our support system? Other teachers on your team Team leader Staff Principals, vice principal, etc. Mentor teacher Supervisor Former professors - Parents of students

7 Classroom Management Book Club
Teaching with Love & Logic Jim Fay and David Funk Setting Limits in the Classroom: How to Move Beyond the Classroom Dance of Discipline Robert J. Mackenzie Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Developing Mutual Respect, Cooperation, and Responsibility in Your Classroom Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott and H. Stephen Glenn

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