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You will read the two documents – answer the constructive responses

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1 You will read the two documents – answer the constructive responses
What is happening in the picture? Where is this? How do you know? Who is speaking to the crowd? What is their reaction? Objective: to synthesize evidence from Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War and the Ostracon principle from the NatGeo textbook page 241. You will read the two documents – answer the constructive responses Standard: D Analyze and interpret historical research using primary documents.

2 Notes: The practice of ostracism began under Cleisthenes when the democratic minded leader took power after the last Greek Tyrants. Ostracism was practiced in the Athenian democracy as a way to check the power of individuals or punish them for failed policies. Ostracism was used only rarely, and the practice fell into disuse after it was found that some politicians attempted to manipulate the process to their own ends. The similar practice of exile was used in ancient Rome but it was more of a punishment, involving loss of property and status - usually lasting for the rest of a person’s life.

3 What lasting influences did ancient Greek culture have on the modern world?

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