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Life in the 13 Colonies.

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1 Life in the 13 Colonies

2 Life in the Colonies Population increase.
Settlers: 250,000 (1700) to 2,500,000 (1775) Slaves: 28,000 to 500,000 Colonial Economics and the Slave Trade.

3 The New England Colonies
As population swells we see a need of more government. Agricultural / Pre-Industrial society. Women married early had large families. Growth of Towns and Villages Subsistence Farming

4 Economics in New England
Commerce Waterpower, Lumber, Mills (Grain) Cottage industry (The hidden economy of women.) Shipbuilding, Fishing, intra-colonial trade Triangular Trade


6 The Middle Passage Shipping Africans to the West Indies.

7 This plan above of a slave ship developed by Clarkson and his co-workers shocked the public when it appeared in It shows how 482 slaves could be packed on board the Brookes of Liverpool for the 6 to 8 week voyage to the West Indies. The Brookes actually carried 609 slaves on one voyage.

8 Slavery Question: What Colony had made slavery illegal?
Jamestown and Georgia. ANSWER

9 The Southern Economy Good soil and long growing season
Did not develop commerce or industry Depended on English Merchants to manage their trade Cultivated Large Farms – Plantations which needed a large unskilled labor force.

10 Tobacco and Rice and The Tidewater
The cash crop of Maryland and Virginia was tobacco. Overproduction would cause profits to fall so farmers began to switch to corn and wheat. The cash crop of South Carolina and Georgia was rice (very labor intensive and nasty).

11 Large Low-lying plains
The Tidewater Large Low-lying plains along the coast. Rivers Large Self-Contained Plantations

12 The Three Kings of the Southern Economy (1700 – 1860)
King Cotton King Tobacco King Rice

13 Backcountry Appalachian Mountain Foothills Small Farms Few Slaves
Outnumbered Large Plantation Owners

14 Quick Facts Majority of colonist, even in the South were not slave holders. However, much of the economy was either based on slave labor or indirectly through the slave trade. African Slaves brought with them their languages and cultures. They also brought with them the knowledge of cultivating rice.

15 Pirates and the Colonies Activity
Blackbeard Clip, “Most Terrifying Pirate in History” (YouTube) Read Article, “Runaways & Renegades, Piracy in North Carolina”, Discuss after Reading  Learn about a pirates' "code of conduct". Have your class create their own code. Using a Venn Diagram compare and contrast the two codes. Discuss why countries have rules and laws, and what happens to people who choose not to obey them. Discuss this same concept among pirates. Compare and contrast the consequences.

16 Section 2 Government, Religion, and Culture
The Glorious Revolution Mercantilism The Navigation Acts Differences in Colonial Governments Voting Rights America and the Great Awakening in more than religion.

17 The Glorious Revolution
King James forced off the thrown in 1688 and Placed his daughter Mary and her husband, William of Orange on the thrown. William and Mary sign the English Bill of Rights.

18 The English Bill of Rights

19 Mercantilism The English viewed its American Colonies as an economic recourse. The Colonies provided raw materials for English manufacturers, and a market for finished products. As a nations trade grows, its gold reserve increase, and the nation becomes more powerful.

20 The Navigation Acts Series of acts (laws) that directed the flow of goods between England and the Colonies. Smuggling Only British ships could transport imported and exported goods from the colonies. The only people who were allowed to trade with the colonies had to be British citizens. Commodities such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton wool which were produced in the colonies could be exported only to British ports.

21 Colonial Government Government in the colonies varies by the type of charter for that colony. Question: What are the three types of colonial charters? Charter Colonies Proprietary Colonies Royal Colonies

22 Colonial Government As the colonies grew, so did the colonists views on government. Time and distance from the mother-country necessitated some form of government to be in place. The Crown also had the responsibility to enforce its laws on the colonies.

23 Comic Strip Activity Students will have 3 comic strips in each folder per group. Groups must read each comic strip, using chart paper will list title and facts about it Present to class

24 American Colonies Type Colony Government Note Charter Proprietary
Royal Colony Connecticut, Rhode Island Government Governor and Legislature Elected by Colonists Note Great Britain had the right to approve governor, but governor could not veto legislature. Connecticut, Rhode Island Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania Proprietor selected the Governor and Upper House. Colonists Elected the Lower House Proprietor free to rule. GA, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, SC, VA Directly Ruled by Britain. King appointed Gov. and Upper House. Colonists elected the Lower House.

25 Get Out To Vote or Not Only White, Landowning Males Could Vote!!!
Women Indentured Servants Landless Poor African Americans

26 The Great Awakening A religious movement concentrated in New England and the Middle Colonies. They called for a re-birth, “A return to the strong faith of earlier days.” Why would this movement not take hold in the South?

27 The Family is the Foundation of Colonial Society
Men: Worked the Fields, Built Houses and Barns, Represented Family in Community Women: Cooked, Made Butter and Cheese, Made Clothes, Tended Livestock, ect.

28 A Child's Life in The Colonies
Boys: Indentured Servants or Apprentices Young Women: Maids, Cooks, Nurses, until Married

29 Education 85 Percent Literacy Rate
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts set up public school systems – by law. Colonists Valued Education and children were usually taught to read and write at home. 85 Percent Literacy Rate

30 The Enlightenment And the One who holds the Key

31 Freedom of the Press English Right of Free Speech
The Internet of its Time English Right of Free Speech Zenger –v- Royal Government

32 An American Culture Education Family Roles Freedom of the Press
The Enlightenment The Great Awakening

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