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Some Analysis and Issues Concerning Design

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1 Some Analysis and Issues Concerning Design
Levels of Abstraction and modularity Collaborative and Multi-site Design UI Design and Internationalization Concurrency and synchronization Performance Consistency Completeness Structural Complexity – McCabe’s cyclomatic # Some “Good” Characteristics of Designs 1

2 Levels of Abstraction & Modularity
In Abstraction: pick out the essentials pick out the unique differentiators hide the details We must also Synthesize at each level of (possible multi-levels of) abstraction One possible result is the design of a “CLASS” 2

3 Abstraction , Synthesis, Information Hiding
How do we do this ? (where creativity comes in !) Look at the requirements and aggregate similar ones for solution Look at the requirements and identify unique Objects and consider them as the first level of abstraction Look at relationship among requirements and see if there is implications to design (solution): sequence and concurrency natural points of break-up input, process, output present choice, input, process 1, process 2, ---, process n, output Look at the solutions and combine the similar ones “common” data into a single table “common” functionality into a single module what information needs to be “separated and hidden” Look at some of the key problems and identify those as needing special algorithms or those that should be separated out for detailed design at the next lower level 3

4 Collaboration and Multi-site Design
Problems are more complex today and requires multiple sets of expertise to come up with a Solution: network database application domain specialist development platform and programming language experts general architecture UI experts testing and quality control Solutions are often put together by a “team” of people, not necessarily always at one common physical site due to better technology and global economy. 4

5 Collaborative Design Some major problems encountered:
communications different background and culture different physical locations and time zones asynchronous mode of internet .vs. synchronous telephone or face-to-face meetings different tools and need specific group-ware or configuration management tool to aid in project control different development process assumptions and experiences Some positive actions and experiences: requirements analysis and high level design performed by a small group at a common physical site (cost money but worth it) regular “synchronous” meetings (with advanced tools such as the tools for on-line meeting) use a common group-ware tool well defined process with clear, specific milestone artifacts 5

6 UI Design While there are lots of new tools for prototyping the UI, it still needs to be designed: navigation paradigm : application domain specific, general internet (e.g. “left margin” choices), Cognitive Science’s Miller’s 7+ or – 2, etc. metaphor : domain specific, country specific, etc. (e.g. calendar vs 2-D table vs labeled fields for a “personal time manager”) looks : buttons; sliders; drop down choices; dials; fill in fields; etc. international considerations: field size (long names for international ) representation (e.g. mm/dd/yy ; xxx, xxx. yy in USA ) audio, video, and graphical preferences modality : screen display, printed text, printed pictures, etc. Give “Control” to the User  let the user choose (not too many choices) 6

7 Concurrency and Synchronization
Human minds process in sequential mode but many of our system solutions include parallel and concurrent processes: contention for resources security of shared resource and authority of access synchronization of processes : synch points non-determinant versus parallel processes These issues all have some solutions: monitors for contention of and access of shared resources along with database locks multi-threading for parallel and concurrent processes in programming languages 7

8 Performance Performance in terms of speed or capacity is one of the more difficult to design: Increase raw resources of hardware memory, storage, CPU speed, network capacity ---consider at design time Specify queue size, file size, table size, etc. at design time Describe basic processing algorithms’ speed of search, sort, etc. at design time analyze requirements and set up primary search keys at design time Sometimes we will need to compromise and create “branches” that adds complexity or bypasses normal processing (e.g. skip layers in layered design)

9 Consistency Consistency of Design: terminology across the system:
display screens reports database processing (e.g. copy, paste, delete, etc.) common handling of : help messages (error, warning, information, etc.) failure detection and amount of diagnostics recovery from failure or exceptions: “retry” - “correct’ - “report” navigational style

10 Completeness Completeness of Design: * * * . * . * . . * . * . * .
Each requirement has an associated design component(s) Each design components has an associated requirement(s) * * * . * . . * . . Design Requirements * . * * . * . Design Requirements

11 A “complexity” measure: Cyclomatic number
Cyclomatic complexity = E - N + 2p where E = number of edges N= number of nodes p = number of connected regions (usually 1) So, for this control flow : 7 edges – 6 nodes + 2 = 3 n1 e1 e2 e3 n2 e4 Region 1 e5 n4 n3 Region 2 n5 e7 Cyclomatic complexity number can also be computed as follows: - number of binary decision +1 - number of closed regions + 1 e6 n6 T.J. McCabe’s Cyclomatic complexity metric is based on the belief that design/program quality is related to the complexity of the design or program “control flow”.

12 Some Characteristics of Good Design
Strong Cohesion (relatedness within) Fan-in and Fan-out (# of coupling) Loose Coupling (cross inter-dependence)

13 Cohesion The concept of cohesion deals with:
“degree of connectedness or relatedness” within the component degree of bounding or unison within the component A component design is considered better the more functionally cohesive that component is “internally” clear focus on a problem solution is targeted and thus simpler to construct, simpler to understand, and simpler to extend or modify Object Oriented Technology with its combination of data and functions combined within an object is a “natural” for cohesion, assuming the choice of Class definition was good.

14 Degree or Levels of Functional Cohesion
There are 7 levels (or degrees) of functional cohesion as follows from lowest to the highest: (highest being the “best” but NO clear “numerical” metric) 1. Coincidental 2. Logical 3. Temporal 4. Procedural 5. Communicational 6. Informational or Sequential 7. Functional

15 Degrees of Cohesion 1. Coincidental is the lowest and the parts within the component are unrelated to one another. The only reasons that the parts are even found in the same component is due to convenience or accident. 2. Logical is the next higher where several logically related actions are placed in the same component. These actions may be logically related, but not process-function related. (e.g. one input routine for all unrelated functions or data.)

16 Degrees of Cohesion 3. Temporal is the performing of all actions for temporary timing reason. (e.g. perform all initialization of all, possibly unrelated, data at the beginning or perform all error detection at one place in the end.) 4. Procedural is the grouping of actions within a component because of some “procedural” sequence (like the sequential cohesion but output of one does not necessarily follows as input to the next) (e.g. read a data record from database and update a related but different record because of the business process.)

17 examples of “Logical” and “Temporal” degrees of Cohesion
Temporal Cohesion (timing) Logical Cohesion Read Web inputs Process Inputs Perform all initializations “first” Process all imports Read all transactions Perform business processing Perform all business processing Display query responses Perform all updates to DB “last” Output all acknowledg Process outputs Output error mess.

18 Degrees of Cohesion 5. Communicational is the case where possibly unrelated actions are taken on the same data or unrelated data are fetched together from a common file. (e.g. using a primary search key and get employee data necessary for payroll processing but also get additional employee data such as employee educational information for some other processing which will come later.) 6. Informational or Sequential is the situation where a number of related actions are performed based on output of one as input to another. (e.g. initialize a record and then process the record)

19 Examples of “Procedural” and “Communicational” degrees of Cohesion
Communicational Cohesion Procedural Cohesion Business-flow 1 Business-flow n Request business input Request input Request input Validate all input & process error Validate input Validate input Process normal business Process normal business Process normal business Common Read error table & process errors Very much like your web screen to process to db in one component

20 Example of “Sequential” degree of Cohesion and “Functional” degree
Sequential Cohesion Create a Team Assign Team Name Assign Team Members & Update member Functional Cohesion Team Function - create team ( ) -name team ( ) -delete team( ) -add member( ) -update member( ) How much of this is really “single” purpose?

21 Degrees of Cohesion 7. Functional is the highest degree of cohesion where all the actions are directed towards one goal. The functional component achieves a single purpose. This top level of functional cohesion was thought to also provide high reusability of that component for all similar requirements. Because data can still change dramatically, it was not until object technology with inheritance came along even the functional cohesive module was still limited in reuse.

22 Fan-in and Fan-out An assessment of characteristics of good high level design is the measure of Fan-in and Fan-out Fan in of a component is the number of flows into a component (number of modules calling this module) and the number of global data structure accessed by the module. Component with multiple Fan-ins Note : Fan-in is sometimes known as Afferent Coupling --- e.g. db interface called by many

23 Fan-in and Fan-out Fan-out of a component is the number of flows out of a component (number of modules this module calls) and the number of global data structures updated by the module. Component with multiple fan-outs Note : Fan-out is sometimes known as Efferent Coupling

24 Henry-Kafura (Fan-in and Fan-out)
Henry and Kafura metric measures the inter-modular flow, which includes: Parameter passing Global variable access inputs outputs Fan-in : number of inter-modular flow into a program Fan-out: number of inter-modular flow out of a program Module, P non-linear Module’s Complexity, Cp = ( fan-in x fan-out )2 for the “picture” above: Cp = (3 x 1)2 = 9

25 Measure of Fan-in & Fan-out
There are several formulae relating the number of fan-ins and fan-outs of the components of a design to the complexity of a design. It is also believed that generally a component with high number of fan-outs may be a concern. A component with high number of fan-outs needs to account for more parameter passing, more data structures, more control transfers. Therefore it may be more complex and also requires more testing. But a component with high number of fan-ins can still be quite self containing. It is not any more complex just because of the number of fan-ins, and it also gets tested more as the multiple fan-in components are tested.

26 Coupling The concept of Coupling deals with the degree of “inter-dependence” of components. The inter-dependence may be : asynchronous passing of controls synchronous passing of controls passing of data between components combination of passing controls and data with further embedded semantics It is believed that a design is better the “looser” or lesser the coupling is among its components.

27 Degree or Levels of Coupling
There are 6 levels of coupling as follows (the lowest or the second lowest being the best) : 6. Content coupling 5. Common coupling 4. Control coupling 3. Stamp coupling 2. Data coupling 1. Uncoupled

28 Degrees of coupling 6. Content coupling is the least desirable in that one component directly references or has access to the contents of another component. (e.g. a pointer is passed from one component to another where the pointer may be used to change the content of another component. Also unintended incrementing of the pointer may get to unanticipated areas and cause the MS’s famous “gpf”.) 5. Common coupling is the case where a common global data is used. (e.g. the common repository design style is a case where all the communicating modules depend on the status and integrity of a common data.)

29 Degree of Coupling Control coupling is the situation where one component passes a data to another but the data has embedded semantics that controls the processing of the receiving component. (e.g. Component A passes a parameter, x, with value 1, from set of {1, 2, 3} values where 1 means “I can not complete my processing --- and you should issue error message x in French.”) Stamp coupling is the passing of the complete data structure when only some the data element is needed. (e.g. passing of a personnel record of a person as opposed to just the needed data fields such as name and birthdate of the person causing the receiving component to possibly access the “wrong” fields.)

30 Degree of Coupling Data coupling is the case where only the necessary information is passed from one component to another. This is the most desirable coupling if there must be some coupling which almost all system must have. Uncoupled is the case where there is no coupling at all. Very unlikely situation for any medium to large systems.

31 Coupling Coupling addresses the attribute of “degree of interdependence” between software units, modules or components. Content Coupling Accessing the internal data or procedural information Data coupling is coupling where Levels of lowest Common Coupling Lower the better Control Coupling Stamp Coupling Data Coupling Passing only the necessary information No Coupling Ideal, but not practical

32 where Functional is the
Cohesion Cohesion of a unit, of a module, of an object, or a component addresses the attribute of “degree of relatedness” within that unit, module, object, or component. Functional Performing 1 single function where Functional is the Levels of Cohesion “highest” Sequential Communicational Higher the better Procedural Temporal Logical Performing more than 1 unrelated functions Coincidental

33 “Good” Design: a) Strong-Cohesion & b) Loose-Coupling
High Level Tight Strong Cohesion Coupling Weak Loose Low Level “Good” Design: a) Strong-Cohesion & b) Loose-Coupling

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