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Urban Water Water Treatment in RS
MOP, 27 January 2015 mag. Nataša Vodopivec, udig Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MOP) Environment Directorate Environment and Climate Changes Division
Legal basis – The Environment Protection Act
emission limit values and related measures to prevent or reduce pollution (Art. 17) - the Government adopts decrees on: emission limit values, related measures, obligations as regards environmental permits, operational monitoring etc.; operational monitoring (Art. 101 ÷ 103) – Minister (for Environment) adopts rules with regard to technical norms for operational monitoring; public services (Art. 149) - the Government adopts decree on: mandatory public services of environmental protection, including municipal public service on urban waste water collection and treatment, obligatory tasks of public service on municipal urban waste water collection and treatment, supply standards, technical, maintenance, organizational and other measures and norms for public service in question;
Legal basis – Public Utilities Act
manner of the public services: national or local, mandatory or optional, mandatory use of mandatory public services, forms of public services, responsibility to define the way of performing public service: governmental decree if national public service, local act if local public service, other provisions on public services;
Legal basis – Governmental Decrees (emissions)
Decree on the emission of substances and heat when discharging waste water into waters and the public sewage system (Uredba o emisiji snovi in toplote pri odvajanju odpadnih voda v vode in javno kanalizacijo RS 64/12, 64/14), Decree on the emission of substances in waste water discharged from urban waste water treatment plants (Uredba o emisiji snovi pri odvajanju odpadne vode iz komunalnih čistilnih naprav, UL RS 45/07, 63/09, 105/10), Decree on the emission of substances in the discharge of waste waters from small urban waste water treatment plants (Uredba o emisiji snovi pri odvajanju odpadne vode iz malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav, UL RS 98/07, 30/10);
Legal basis – Governmental Decrees
Decree on the emission of substances and heat when discharging waste water into waters and the public sewage system (Uredba o emisiji snovi in toplote pri odvajanju odpadnih voda v vode in javno kanalizacijo RS 64/12, 64/14): obligation to connect to public sewer if it is in place and in operation, obligation to ensure appropriate collection and treatment of urban waste water from individual buildings in areas, not equipped with public sewers, according to the Decree on the emission of substances in the discharge of waste waters from small urban waste water treatment plants;
Legal basis – Governmental Decrees
Decree on the emission of substances in waste water discharged from urban waste water treatment plants (Uredba o emisiji snovi pri odvajanju odpadne vode iz komunalnih čistilnih naprav, UL RS 45/07, 63/09, 105/10): criteria for defining agglomerations, criteria for identification of sensitive areas, designation of sensitive areas and their catchments, emission limit values of urban waste water, limit values for treatment efficiency, specific measures relating to the design and operation of urban waste water treatment plants and activities which are subject to specific requirements for discharges of industrial wastewater (biodegradable industrial waste water);
Legal basis – Governmental Decrees
Decree on the emission of substances in the discharge of waste waters from small urban waste water treatment plants (Uredba o emisiji snovi pri odvajanju odpadne vode iz malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav, UL RS 98/07, 30/10): emission limit values of urban waste water from small WWTPs, specific measures relating to the discharge of wastewater from small WWTPs depending on the sensitivity of the aquatic environment, specific requirements with regard to control operation of small WWTPs, specific requirements with regard to implementation of initial measurements and operational monitoring of emissions of small WWTPs, obligations of building‘s owners in areas, not equipped with public sewage; requirements stricter than Directive 91/271/EEC (UWWTD).
Legal basis – Governmental Decree (public service)
Decree on the discharge and treatment of urban waste water and meteoric water (Uredba o odvajanju in čiščenju komunalne in padavinske odpadne vode, UL RS 88/11, 8/12, 108/13): the type of obligatory tasks to be carried out within the framework of the municipal public service on urban waste water collection and treatment, obligations of municipalities and public service providers, supply standards that must be met for collection and treatment of urban waste water;
Legal basis – Ministers Regulation (operational monitoring)
Rules on initial measurements and operational monitoring of waste water (Pravilnik o prvih meritvah in obratovalnem monitoringu odpadnih voda, UL RS 94/14): parameters, the type and extent of initial measurements and operational monitoring of waste water, methodologies for sampling, measuring and analysing of samples, a methodology for measuring the flow of waste water, methodology for evaluation, the contents of the reports on operational monitoring of waste water, manner and form of reporting data on operational monitoring of waste water, technical conditions for the implementation of the operational monitoring of waste water and detailed reasons for the withdrawal of authorizations for operational monitoring of waste water;
Legal basis – related Governmental Decrees
Decree of tarife system for public service on the environmental field (Uredba o metodologiji za oblikovanje cen storitev obveznih občinskih gospodarskih javnih služb varstva okolja, UL RS 87/12, 109/12): methodology for designing prices of public services (prices defined by municipalities), measures and norms associated with accounting of prices of public services to their users; Decree on environmental tax for environmental pollution caused by waste water discharge (Uredba o okoljski dajatvi za onesnaževanje okolja zaradi odvajanja odpadnih voda, UL RS 87/12, 109/12): types of pollution for which environmental tax has to be paid, the basis for calculating the environmental tax, environmental tax recipients (income of municipal budgets), taxpayers, the method for calculating the tax (price defined by Government);
Operational Programme
Governmental Decision on Operational programme for the discharge and treatment of urban waste water (Operativni program odvajanja in čiščenja komunalne odpadne vode, Sklep Vlade RS): designation of agglomerations, requirements with regard to collection and treatment of urban waste water for each particular agglomeration, deadlines for each particular agglomeration, optional measures (collection and treatment if technically feasible and economically justified), evaluation of investment costs and financial resources, measures to improve monitoring, responsibilities, priorities;
Organisation of implementation
Competent Authority for the Directive 91/271/EEC and national legislation: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning: legislation, membership in the Art. 18 Committee, reporting, preparation and control/monitoring of realisation of Operational programme, control of public services (database IJSVO), Slovenian Environment Agency: permitting authority (authorisation of emissions), control of operational monitoring / database on emissions, reporting; Responsibility for the implementation of the provisions of the Directive: local communities (212 municipalities): construction of public sewage (sewage systems and UWWTPs), local public service providers (118): operation of public sewage (sewage systems and UWWTPs), collection and treatment of urban waste water, treatment of sludge, control of IAS, building‘s owners in areas not equipped with public sewage: construction and operation of IAS (inside and outside of agglomerations);
Organisation of reporting
Reporting on the implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC to the Commission: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning: Art. 17 of the UWWTD, Slovenian Environment Agency: Art. 15 of the UWWTD; Reporting on implementation of particular tasks (to the Ministry / Agency): WWTP‘s operators on emissions to water caused by waste water discharge - reporting to the Slovenian Environment Agency (by the end of January for previous year), public service providers on implementation of their tasks - reporting to the Ministry (by the end of March for previous year), municipalities on supply standards achieved - reporting to the Ministry (by the end of February for previous year);
Organisation of reporting
Reporting to public (stakeholders, general public): Ministry on implementation of the UWWTD (case by case), Slovenian Environment Agency on emissions to environment (aggregated data publicly available, raw data case by case);
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