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Theme Development Lesson

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1 Theme Development Lesson
The Great Gatsby Theme Development Lesson

2 Why do we read literature?
To learn about more OTHERS To learn more about OUR WORLD To learn more about OUR BELIEFS To learn more about US PERSONALLY

3 Themes allow us to tackle the last two things on the previous list particularly (although it can hit all four).

4 “Friendship” is not a theme…it is a topic
Theme or topic? A topic is not a full statement about life. It is typically just a word or two with no elaboration. “Friendship” is not a theme…it is a topic “Friendship should be based on people who want the best for you, not people that tell you what you want to hear” is a theme. You MUST separate these two concepts if you want to succeed in this class!

5 First Table Assignment:
After I divide you into groups, I want you to take the following topics (not themes), and turn them into thematic statements that apply to The Great Gatsby. You also need to think of 2-3 reasons for how this theme is suggested in the novel. “Wait, what if none of my group read the novel?” Ummm…well, that means you are going to have a tough time getting a good grade on this. Use your resources and realize that people who just parrot back SparkNotes or another lazy, cheater site, don’t make better than a 50 (and that is generous).

6 Topic Options: Group #1 – The American Dream Group #2 – Wealth
Group #3 –Memories of the Past Group #4 – Love and Marriage

7 Group discussions Part 2
For this task, we are working more on isolating our own personal beliefs about ideas that I will present. The goal of this assignment is that you will discuss varying points of view, take notes, and work on proper listening and discussing strategies. You do not have to agree with the following statements…some of them I have disagreements with. It is meant to be a discussion starter, not a judgment on life from the mouth of Morris! After a set time, we will reconvene as a large group and tackle these ideas as a large group, again practicing proper listening and speaking techniques.

8 Statement #1: No matter how much we try to escape it, we are all products of our past, and this is an element of who we are that can’t be overcome. Statement #2: We should all hope that we never fully realize our dreams because chasing them is what gives our lives purpose and meaning. Statement #3: Being wealthy doesn’t improve one’s life…it only makes it more complicated and reduces chances for real fulfillment through relationships.

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