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Stuff Happens.

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Presentation on theme: "Stuff Happens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stuff Happens

2 Who hasn’t had one of those days where something happens or you make a mistake, and you’re the first to say: “Oh, S***!” Well, look at what happened one day in the streets of Madrid...

3 First, the driver doesn’t pay attention to the size of the water puddle...

4 Then, she tries “gunning it” to get out...

5 Pay attention to the position of this man, especially his feet
At this point, the car has probably already died...

6 Now, the guys who were groaning about getting wet begin to become concerned about the driver...

7 The driver abandons her vehicle
Check out the 4th helper The driver abandons her vehicle Three samaritans try to pull out the car by hand...

8 The only one worried about the woman.
What are these four guys looking at? Swimming, trying to reach the “coast”

9 The four guys have plenty of good intentions...

10 Talk about a colossal screwup!!
Wow! Look at it sink! Talk about a colossal screwup!! My car!... This “friend” never budged... Anybody thought about what will happen next?

11 Glug, glug, glug...

12 Look at the size of this “pothole”!

13 This is why we complain about the streets in Madrid.

14 This was an authentic and true case of
Oh, s***!

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