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MESA Think Tank Middle Schools and High Schools

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2 MESA Think Tank Middle Schools and High Schools
Lyka Gutierrez Lead judge for Mesa think tank at CSUlb mesa center

3 What is the Think Tank Replaces Speak Up
Pitching a competition project to MESA for MESA Day 2019 Why should MESA make your competition nationwide? Persuasive presentation

4 Application to the Real World
Engineers and scientists must always request funding for their projects and research Target other companies, boosters, government officials, and their own bosses Sales engineer as a career Think of this as “Shark Tank”

5 What to expect Only goes to regionals Team of 2-3 students
We will provide a projector and table A computer will be available, but it is the student’s responsibility to bring a backup computer Students need to bring a demo of their project and written rules of their competition 3 typed, hard copies of their competition

6 Rules Project needs to be 100% safe!
STEM related or NAE Grand Challenge project NO models or kits; MUST BE 100% original work of THE STUDENTS Demo of the project should be already built NOT during the presentation Demo must be 50cm X 50cm X 50cm and not exceed $10.00 Show documentation of total price of the competition ready for presentation (Price List) Present the rules, overview of competition project, list of material, general rules, two math related questions, and judging rubric.

7 Presentation Guidelines
Introduction State NAE Grand Challenge is used in presentation Design demo of competition Cost list of competition Demonstrate how competition will be judged

8 Judging Three (3) Judges
Explain Rules, Read Procedures and Judging Criteria Answer questions before presentations start Signal before time is up (1 minute, 30 seconds, 5 seconds) Team Order will be randomly selected and posted prior to presentations MESA volunteers, judges, and teams are allowed in the room Teams (2-3 students) Hand out 3 hard copies of rules to judges Set Up: 2 minutes Present: 3 minutes Questions From Judges: 2 minutes


10 Questions?

11 Demo Get into teams of 2-3. Make a quick presentation on pitching a competition to MESA. You have minutes to make your presentation. Present it within 2 minutes.

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