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(Bandera Natural History Museum)

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Presentation on theme: "(Bandera Natural History Museum)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Bandera Natural History Museum)
Adaptations (Bandera Natural History Museum)

2 AAAA! There’s a bear (and a Trent) behind us!

3 Arctic Tundra

4 Mountains of the World

5 Forest

6 Swamps

7 African Grasslands

8 Inquisitive minds want to know…

9 Swampy Land Mountains of the World
These are both hooves, but are shaped so differently. Why?

10 These are all bears. Why do they look so different?
Brown Bear; Arctic Tundra Grizzly Bear and American Black Bear: Mountains Polar Bear; Arctic Tundra

11 Dinosaurs had adaptations too.

12 These herbivores adapted a long neck. Why is this beneficial
These herbivores adapted a long neck. Why is this beneficial? What consumer today has that same adaptation? Carnivores have sharp teeth and claws to catch Herbivores have flat teeth to grind and tear apart their prey. their food.


14 Now dinosaurs are fossils
Now dinosaurs are fossils. Fossils tell scientists about how environments change as well as how organisms change.

15 (Dandelion seeds have light hairs to travel in the wind.)

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