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A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe

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Presentation on theme: "A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe"— Presentation transcript:

1 A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe
Status of EUROnu Costing, safety, etc Annual reports Milestones and deliverables for WP1 This meeting

2 Status of EUROnu 21/48th finished! Much progress since last meeting:
Only just started then This meeting will show significant progress Using EC metrics 34 documents 52 meetings 7 new associates since we started Many issues raised at 1st meeting, by IAP, etc, dealt with

3 Status of EUROnu Scientifically, EUROnu not important!
Politically it is: Recognised as part of CERN strategy Main European activity on 2nd generation facilities Strong connection to IDS-NF Point of contact with CERN management Input to SPC Neutrino Panel ECFA/Strategy secretariat (+ ICFA?) review panel Review IDS and next EUROnu report Maintains important role Internationalises further

4 Costing, Safety, etc Outputs of EUROnu: Performance Cost Safety
(Technical) risk very important! very limited resources needs to be done efficiently and coherently as pos. taken on by Ilias

5 Costing Workshop Need a costing panel Need a PBS/WBS
allows exploitation of overlaps same approach, assumptions, etc Combined approach to experts Use CLIC tool: some work already done use well defined (defendable) techniques even methods of making a choice More later

6 Safety To come next Workshop planned
Focus on big, potentially show-stopping issues Technical risk: identify issues requiring further R&D focus large impact things hopefully, comes out of other work?

7 Annual Report #1 Not (quite) done with! Was submitted late
More (trivial) information requested All now received and submitted Many lessons learnt (by me!) We must all do better next time

8 Annual Report #2 Includes independent Technical review Outcome between
Everything is fine, continue unchanged Cancel and repay EC funding Next report: submitted by end October! all due milestones and deliverables done WP reports Form Cs done & signed Explanations of costs done Work will start in August Review during next annual meeting: RAL – Jan/Feb 2011

9 WP1 Deliverables Del. no. [1] Deliverable name WP no. Lead beneficiary
Estimated indicative person-months Nature[2] Dissemination level [3] Delivery date[4] (proj. month) D1 Requirements for proton driver 2 12 R PU 6 D2 Report on 1st year activities All 1 47 D3 Review detector performance of baseline scenarios 5 4 36 D4 Review physics of baseline scenarios and optimisation 24 D5 Review of baseline muon front end and large aperture acceleration 3 56 15 D6 Comparison criteria 9 18 D7 Collection device construction 40 P D8 Bunching performance evaluation 7 D9 Interim report 94 D10 Target and collection design report 175 30 D11 Cost and performance evaluation for reference muon front-end D12 Report on the experimental validation of the collection device for Li-8 90 D13 Project review documentation 122 D14 Target & collector integration 8 50 D15 Beam characteristics 31 D16 Optimisation of baseline detectors 59 D17 Recommendation of the reference Neutrino Factory design 38 D18 Performance and cost evaluation of the facility 42 D19 Physics comparison between the facilities 89 43 D20 Comparison between facilities 25 46 D21 Final report 240 48 TOTAL 1407

10 WP1 Deliverables D8 done and being written up
Criteria not completely defined, e.g. θ13 known? But use obvious: Physics: δ θ Δm223 Cost and schedule Safety: personnel environmental impact Risk: technical only show-stoppers

11 WP1 Deliverables Ultimately, would be good to have figure of merit
Techniques exist to do this Easier to do if θ13 known Otherwise, use 3 cases: large, e.g. >10-2 intermediate, e.g. >10-3 & <10-2 small, e.g. <10-3 Needs results of costing and safety panels

12 List and schedule of milestones Delivery date from Annex I
no. Milestone name WPs no's. Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I Comments 1.1 Review of 1st year milestones, deliverables & costs All 1 12 Reviewed by Governing Board 2.1 Proton driver report 2 Parameters reviewed by external expert 4.1 Baseline Beta-Beam scenario 4 3 Documentation reviewed 5.1 Review detector performance for Neutrino Factory 5 6 Report reviewed 6.1 Update physics potential 6,5,2 3.1 Evaluation of baseline front-end complete 15 Report reviewed by external expert 4.2 Design of collection device Drawings qualified by external expert 3.2 Evaluation of baseline acceleration systems complete 18 4.3 Lattice frozen for production ring Optics qualified by external expert 1.2 Initial facility comparison 20 Reviewed by external expert 4.4 New decay ring optics for 8Li and 8B 21 1.3 Review on interim milestones, deliverables & costs 24 2.2 Preliminary design of target and collector 7 2.3 Preliminary target/collector integration report 8 2.4 1st estimation of neutrino beam intensity Report qualified by external expert 3.3 Evaluation of performance of alternative cooling and acceleration schemes 3.4 Specification of proton-beam handling system complete 14 4.5 Interim report on reaction channels, collimation and magnet protection 5.2 Review of systematic errors for all detectors. 6.2 Review of systematic errors in all facilities. Unified treatment. 6,5 11 6.3 Scenarios for the B and Li Beta Beams 6,4 Report reviewed 6.4 Physics performance of all facilities with update of fluxes 6,5,4 3.5 Benchmark costing for muon front-end and acceleration systems 30 1.4 Review of 3rd year milestones, deliverables & costs 36 2.5 Final target/collector integration report 4.6 Full simulation of production ring Simulation results reviewed 5.3 Choice of optimal baseline scenarios for all facilities. 6.5 Theoretical impact of future measurements in physics of flavour and choice of optimal baseline scenarios for all facilities. 3.6 Initial health-and-safety evaluation of proton-beam handling system complete 38 2.6 Design of target station 40 3.7 Performance evaluation complete 5.4 Comparison of detector performance for all facilities 2.7 Report on neutrino beam intensity 42 6.6 Comparison of physics performance of all facilities 6,2,3,4,5 43 1.5 Final comparison of facilities 46 Reviewed by Governing Board, International Advisory Panel, Coordination Board and external experts WP1 Milestones

13 WP1 Milestones Not possible to do yet
Will use the most recent results from WP6 Hence, preliminary physics only comparison

14 This Meeting Very important! Preparation for technical review……
……..but plenty of science as well Welcome to the 2nd annual EUROnu meeting!

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